Page 64 of Vicious Fall
Next, I dial Giovanni.
“Who in the fuck was Enzo meeting with?”
“Who. Was. Enzo. Fucking. Meeting. With?” I enunciate each word, gritting my teeth as I mash down on the gas.
“He’s meeting with one of the arms dealer’s,” Giovanni says and he must be able to hear the urgency in my voice as he asks, “What happened?”
“I’m not quite sure, all I know is that he’s in pain and he called me to come get him.”
That says enough right there.
Everyone knows how tense things have been between us, because it's never happened before now. No, before our last fight, Enzo had been willing to forget and ignore every little shady thing I’d done to him.
And despite all the anger he’s currently holding for me, I’d been the first one he called to come for him.
The gesture isn’t lost on me.
“It was Seven Quad, I know it.” Because they’ve been too quiet since my brother thought it a good idea to try to entice Dox via that damn meeting he had with him.
I’d expected instant repercussions, it’s the route I’d take if someone had the audacity to waltz into my place and make it clear they were coming for me.
But for weeks we haven’t heard anything, not from Dox or that treacherous son of his.
Until now.
“I don’t know, Maximo.”
“It was them,” I cut him off. “I’ll call you back.” I click my phone off, not wanting to converse with him any longer because I can already feel that anger I’m famous for rearing its head.
This is Givoanni’s fault.
He’s so stuck on his own plan, of drawing this hit out and for what? To avenge some washed up, old wart who never loved us, only loved what we meant for his legacy. And frankly, not even me, since he already had his perfect son in Gio.
Every day Vincenzo Costa fucking regretted that he didn’t make my mother swallow me.
And every day I baited him because I knew it.
And because I knew I had to be strong, had to show him that no matter how much pain he caused me, I was better than him.
And yet Giovanni continues to worship his grave, like a puppy bowing down to its master.
And Enzo just got hurt because of it.
If he’d simply taken Dox out at that meeting, which I know damn well, he could have, it all would have been over by now. Seven Quad would have been scrambling without a leader, especially if we’d taken Diamond out second.
They would have all gone down quickly.
Pulling up to the warehouse, I push those thoughts from my mind. Enzo’s car is parked in the lot but there aren’t any others. I know that this all could be a trap, but it's too late now because come hell or high water, I’m going to get to Enzo.
I step out of the car, the warm asphalt burning beneath my feet. I look into the window of Enzo’s car. The tint is dark on them but when I press my face right up against the glass, I can see inside. It's empty.
Pulling my gun, I make my way into the warehouse. I don’t hear anyone at first but then I hear heavy breathing.
I follow the noise, finding Enzo crumbled on the ground. His body is limp, his limbs sprawled in different directions. His body heaves with every breath he takes.