Page 14 of The Coldest Season
The inside of the warehouse isn’t well lit, which I don’t find surprising considering the shady look to the outside of the building. There’s a sharp molded smell in the air and it’s quiet.
I take in the twists and turns of the building and the bright graffiti on the walls. It’s clear that this is an abandoned building.
Soft voices start to drift through the room and Giovanni stops, letting Vito move in front of him before we turn into another room.
This room is much like the rest of the building, stinky, cold, and unkempt. But there’s a group of men standing in the middle of the room.
The first thing I notice is that they’re all carrying.
I stiffen, refraining from allowing my hand to go to the gun that I was given before we left the house.
You’re with us to protect the family,was all Vito said as he begrudgingly passed me the gun.
The group of men pause their conversation, their gazes moving to Giovanni and Maximo. They don’t bother to look at me or Vito, I notice.
“Giovanni,” one man says, stepping forward. “Listen, about the misunderstanding-”
His sentence is halted by a loud bang.
I barely have time to see the bullet hole square in the middle of his head before more shots ring out. I look over to see who’s doing the shooting before realizing that both Maximo and Vito have their guns out. Giovanni’s posture is relaxed as the two keep their focus on the scrambling group of men.
Most go down as they’re reaching for their guns.
Others don’t even get the dignity of the opportunity to reach before they’re gunned down.
I pull my gun out, clicking the safety off as I keep my eyes peeled open.
Apparently, this wasn’t really a meeting, it was a planned massacre.
One of the men has managed to scramble behind a large crate and I watch as he aims his gun at Giovanni.
I react without thinking.
I dive forward, wrapping my arms around Giovanni and tackling him to the ground. I try to be gentle about it, but there really isn’t agentleway to tackle someone I guess. My arms take a good bit of the impact from hitting the ground and I let out a grunt. I roll over, getting to my knees and picking up my gun from where it fell.
The man is going for another shot, but I’m quicker, squeezing the trigger in rapid succession.
When he’s down, I look around for another threat, but pull up short, realizing there aren’t any more men standing.
I watch as Vito walks over to help Giovanni up, who doesn’t exactly look grateful that I just saved his life.
He stands, dusting off his clothes, his lips pulled into a frown. He looks at me and lets out a noncommittal grunt, turning and walking away. Vito’s face looks a little more impressed, but he doesn’t offer a comment either as he follows Giovanni.
“Like being on your knees much?” Maximo breaks the silence left in the room after the other two exit.
I look up, finding him standing right in front of me, his crotch level with my face. I tilt my head back slightly, my eyes meeting his. He raises a brow.
I open my mouth before snapping it closed, unsure of what to say.
He chuckles, stepping back, “It’s okay. I’m sure I already know the answer.” He turns around, walking toward the door. “Come, soldier, before Vito leaves us.”
I blink, looking back to the fallen bodies scattered all over the concrete floor of the warehouse. I take a gulp.
They’re just going to leave the bodies like this?
Of course they are.
I rise to my feet, putting my gun away. The adrenaline of the moment makes my hands shake a little. I tuck them into my pockets to cover the movement.