Page 2 of The Coldest Season
He pulls his hands from his pocket, spreading his fingers out to the side as he presents them to me. He prowls closer, cautiousand watching me closely the entire time. When he's only a foot away, he stops. His eyes move over me from head to toe.
"What's your name, soldier?" His voice is low and husky.
I swallow, debating. I don't want to get mixed up with this man. I don't need anyone to tell me to know it. There's just this energy about him that screams,I'll fuck you up.
But that same energy draws me in, begging for me to tell him whatever he wants to know. He raises a brow and I can't help but to notice how bright his brown eyes are up close.
I ball my hands into fists, a pressure forming on my chest. "Enzo," I finally say.
His smile returns and for a moment, I feel like I'm looking right into the face of Lucifer himself. "Enzo," he breathes my name out like a sin. "I'm Maximo Costa, and I just may have a job for you."
I like pretty things; the damage is more noticeable when I'm done with them.
The soldier moving behind me fits me perfectly. Handsome, even under all the dirt and gruffness of being on the streets. His clear blue eyes, the sensual lips pressed into a firm frown, and the cautiousness that almost kept him from joining me.
I love it all.
And when I possess every one of those things,ruinthem, I’ll love them even more.
I can hear the deep breaths he takes as he follows me, and I have to wonder if he's out of shape or if the pressure of the cold air on his lungs is too much. Sometimes it's hard for people not native to the city. Hell, sometimes it still gets me when I've been out in it for hours, especially at the beginning of winter.
Fortunately, my job tonight only took me a few minutes. I'd thought I was going back home to get a couple of drinks in me when I spotted the man, Enzo. At first, I'd let my eyes skim right over him. Homeless bodies on the street aren’t unusual here. But on second glance, there'd been something about him that screamed at me to stop. It'd only taken a few moments for me to realize it was the fact that he was on guard.
Most of the bums in the city are out of their mind on drugs, or so damn damaged that they don't have it in them to even try to be safe anymore. But the man had clearly been wary of me and prepared to attack if needed.
When his eyes met mine, I felt my heart go a little wild. And not in that fuzzy love coated bullshit way that a lot of people talk about, but in a toxic, obsessive way.
A way that screamed it’d be so beautiful to watch the strong man break in every single way as I owned his body.
It’s a feeling that I’ve rarely felt before and definitely never to this degree.
I like playing with people, like making them squirm and fucking them so thoroughly and brutally that I know they’ll never be the same.
This Enzo man… I know by looking at him that he won’t break easily, but when he finally does… it’ll be beautiful.
I glance behind me, finding his eyes already on me. His jacket is thick but there's a couple of ragged holes in it and the solid black blanket he'd picked up before following me looks cheap and thin.
It can't be offering any real warmth from the winter air.
"You can toss that," I tell him. "Giovanni will only be pissed if you bring that wretched thing into the compound." It's already going to be hard enough to convince my brother of my plan, the last thing I need is for him to kick Enzo out because of his rank blanket.
Enzo doesn't offer a reply, but he drops the blanket next to a homeless woman who greedily snatches it up without so much as a thank you.
I lift my gaze as we move further into the city. We're getting close to seven quad territory, and I know Giovanni will have my head if he knows I’m even this close. We have a treaty with the gang, but people tend to get restless when they see me in their territory, as they should. But if I accidently startanothergang war, Giovanni may just kill me this time.
I almost laugh at the thought.
Lifting my gaze, I take in the area, making sure there’s no one out to witness mybaddeeds. But the streets are empty, other than a few homeless people. I take a sharp turn down an alleyway, listening to the scuffle of Enzo’s feet as he adjusts, making the turn as well.
The alleyway doesn’t have any lights and the two buildings surrounding it are abandoned, which is why it was perfect for me to park my car earlier before I pursued my mark by foot.
My car is basked in shadows, the front window just barely visible. I pull my keys from my pockets, rubbing them with my glove covered hands. I hit the unlock button and the lights come on. I move to the driver side and glance up to find Enzo standing in front of the car. His hands are in his pockets and his brows are pulled together slightly. He glances up at me.
“Get in,” I tell him before opening my own door and climbing in. I crank the car, turning on the heat to knock out some of the air. I bite back a groan of annoyance as I find Enzo still standing in front of the car, as if he's trying to make up his mind.
I leave the car in park, mashing down on the gas, letting the engine rev. Enzo jolts slightly but he doesn’t move.