Page 46 of Monster's Bride
The music swelled as we joined the sweeping dance, a haunting folk piece perfectly befitting the Starry Night Ball’s mystical aura. Effortlessly, our bodies attuned, finding the rhythm instantly as we moved together. Dancing came as naturally as breathing beside this woman. We were two halves of the same radiant whole.
Despite my grace, I still trod lightly, ever mindful of the fragile gift clasped in my monstrous hands. But Seraphina would have none of my timid caution. Eyes blazing silver, she fearlessly pulled me into a series of more elaborate turns, reveling in her power over my stumbling steps. Her tinkling laugh was the sweetest music imaginable.
“Let go, my love,” she entreated playfully. “I won’t shatter, I assure you. Our fates are bound—wherever you lead, I shall follow gladly.” Her implicit trust took my breath away. I had vowed to move mountains for this exquisite creature, only to have her gift me strength instead through her stalwart faith. How could I not strive each moment to be worthy of such selfless devotion?
As the last notes faded, I twirled Seraphina smoothly into a gallant dip, savoring her delighted laughter even as our peers acclaimed the dazzling display of coordination.
Much later, flushed with breathless exhilaration, my wife and I slipped away in search of cool night air to soothe our heated skin. The overhead balconies beckoned, promising a stolen moment of solitude amidst the evening’s revelry.
I wrapped Seraphina snugly in my wing as we gazed out over the shadowed grounds. Here, in this peaceful interlude, the chaotic events leading to our joyful union already seemed lifetimes ago. All lingering shadows had been permanently banished. The glorious future spread boundless before our feet.
“Can you believe this is truly our life now?” Seraphina murmured wonderingly. Her delicate hands traced the dangerous points of my claws without fear. With this peerless woman beside me, I would never again be an object of dread. Her love had awakened the noble man buried for endless decades beneath the beastly façade.
I drew my wife closer, awed gratitude swelling inside me. “You returned the light to me when all seemed lost,” I rasped thickly. “By your side, I remember how to hope.”
Her fingers gently tilted my face down to meet her tender gaze. “The light was always inside you,” she chided fondly. “I merely helped unveil its radiance.” Her lyrical laugh broke the solemnity. “We make quite the pair, don’t we?”
Joy welled up, spilling from my eyes in grateful tears. Seraphina kissed each one away reverently. “Hush now, my love,” she soothed, her own voice unsteady. “We’ve found each other against impossible odds. Not even death can part us now.”
I crushed her fiercely close, overcome by emotions far too profound for words. But our twinned heartbeats spoke what could not be voiced. However long fate granted, I would spend every precious second honoring the miracle that was Seraphina’s love. Together, we had conquered the darkness. Now, at long last, our eternal dawn had come.