Page 10 of Coming Home
“I'm not sure that’s a good idea,” she whispers softly.
“We’re exes for a reason, Wyatt.”
“Yeah, because I'm an idiot.” I run a hand through my damp hair and know it’s an absolute mess right now. “Look at Lincoln andOlivia. They gave their relationship a second chance. So did Kelsey and Mason. And your parents.”
“My parents never really split up. They were only apart for a few weeks and that almost killed my dad. They were always meant to be together.”
“And what if we were always meant to be together too?”
“I can't do this right now. I need to focus on this new job and moving my life from the other side of the country.”
“I'm not going to give up.”
“You’ll get bored of chasing me sooner or later.” She sighs. No matter how hard she tries to seem annoyed, she’s not. She’s still hurt by our break up, and I can't blame her. I never told her why I did it.
“That’s where you’re wrong. I love chasing after you, beautiful. After all, I’ve been doing it almost my entire life.”
Chapter 5
I blow out a long breath as I check my appearance in the visor mirror one last time. Once I move here, I'm going to have to buy my own car. I have one in California and I’ve considered driving it across the country, but the thought of doing that alone sounds awful. I think I’d rather sell it and buy something new here.
Climbing out of Mom’s SUV, I smooth out my pencil skirt. I’m not sure what the dress code is going to be, but I figured I should look nice for my tour of the facility. I chose a red skirt with a black blouse and black heels.
Dad and Blake nearly choked on their coffee this morning when they saw me. Dad shook his head and muttered something under his breath like ‘Lord, give me strength’, while Blake snatched his phone up and started texting furiously. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive living in the same city as the two of them again.
Don’t get me wrong, I love those men to death. Wes is the perfect dad and Blake is everything you could want in an uncle and more…but they love me a little too hard. They don’t know how to stand by and watch me grow up, they always have their noses in my business. I know they do it because they care, but it’s a bit much.
One day I'm going to miss it though. I’ll wish they were calling and asking questions, not just stepping, but leaping over boundaries in the process. So, I'm going to enjoy their over involvement and laugh about it instead of getting angry.
Grabbing my purse off the passenger’s seat, I slip my sunglasses over my eyes and head towards the door to the player’s entrance. It’s so weird being permitted in such a guarded part of the stadium. I feel important, even though I'm not.
I wander down the hallway, trying to figure out where I'm supposed to meet Owen. He didn’t really tell me an exact location. If I don’t find him, I’ll give him a call and find out. Right now, I'm enjoying exploring on my own though.
“Excuse me, I don’t think you belong here,” Owen’s deep voice booms from down the hall.
I grin and walk a little faster to get to him. I haven’t seen him since I moved to California, but we’ve always had a playful relationship.
“Oh, sorry. Some old man told me to meet him, I wonder if he’s senile. He didn’t really tell me where he would be.” I grin.
“Damn, I’ve missed your sass.” Owen chuckles and wraps me in his embrace. “How are you, sweetheart?”
“I'm good. Really good. Thank you for this opportunity. I’m sure my dad had something to do with it, but I'm not going to let either of you down.” I smile as I step out of his arms.
“What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t hire you as some sort of favor to Wes. Since I found out you were going to school for physical therapy, I’ve kept my eye on you. I want to employ the best of the best and I’ve been told by every teacher that you’re it. They all raved about how good you are. Wes didn’t even know I had my eye on you as my new physical therapist until I asked for your number.”
“Really? You offered me this job because of my actual ability and not because you know me?” I squeak out, more than shocked.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Owen chuckles and shakes his head. “Let me explain something to you, I love hiring people I know and like, but I’ll never hire someone who doesn’t meet my expectations. Every cell of my body is a businessman first. I make the smart moves, not the ones that keep people happy.”
“Thank you, Owen. That means a lot to me.” I hug him again.
“I won't deny it’s nice to have you home, and your dad has to be nicer to me, otherwise I can threaten to fire you or move you across the country.” He grins. “Now, let’s show you around the place. I think you’re going to love it here. Though, if I can make a suggestion…” He trails off, letting his gaze move over my body. It’s not in a pervy manner, but more of a concerned father.