Page 20 of Coming Home
“That kid is your son. And even though you really don’t like him right now, you still love him. You need to talk to him and figure out what happened. There are always two sides to every story. C’mon, Blake. Let me make some tea for us.”
“Got any tequila? I'm going to need something stronger than tea. Fuck! Wes is going to blame me for this. He’s already mad at me for sending him a glitter bomb at the office last week, this is only going to make it worse.”
“Well, I mean, a glitter bomb? Really, Blake? Did you honestly think that was going to end well? He had pink glitter in his beard for days. Hell, I'm pretty sure he was still shimmering last night when he got out of the shower.”
Their voices move away from my door and slowly fade until I can't hear them anymore. I know they’re upset about what happened between Wyatt and me. Everyone thought we’d get married and start the second generation of couples on Mulberry Lane. Dad and Blake have already talked about building houses on the outer circle of our street so none of us have to move away.
When they brought it up, I loved the idea. I wouldn’t have to leave my family, but I’d get to have my own place to raise our family. Now, I despise the idea. I don’t want to see Wyatt with his future wife. I don’t want to witness him slip his arm around her waist and rub her pregnant belly. Or watch them push their kids down the street in a stroller. I can't handle watching him get the life I thought we’d have together with someone else. That’s too much.
I swipethe tears off of my cheeks and grab my laptop from my desk before settling on my bed with my back against the headboard. After finding the email from the college in California, I respond, letting them know I'm accepting the spot and can't wait to start my freshman year in a few months.
Putting space between myself and Wyatt is the best thing I can do at the moment. Maybe one day we can find a way to be around each other without feeling like my heart is being shredded into microscopic pieces, but I'm not there yet. I need time to be by myself. Time to figure out who I am without Wyatt.
I let out a long sigh and lean my head against the wall of my closet. I toss another pair of sneakers into the box and try to focus on my task at hand. Thinking about Wyatt isn't going to help me. I need to get packed and move home.
My phone rings on the floor next to me and I see a picture of Macy and me making faces at the camera. I quickly accept the call and put it on speaker so I can continue to pack.
“Hey, Charlotte.” I can hear the smirk in her voice. I swear I'm going to send her a glitter bomb. One with confetti that looks like small dicks.
“Hello, Dorthia.”
“First off, Dorthia is my middle name. Second, don’t call me that!”
“Then stop calling me Charlotte! Now Jax is calling me that too.”
“Fine! Fine. We’ll be nice and go back to our preferred names. Deal?”
“Deal… What’s up?” I pick up another pair of shoes and grimace. They’re filthy. I can't believe I kept them for this long. I toss them in a pile of things that will be donated or trashed. I can deal with that stuff later.
“Well, I ran into Wyatt and he was looking mighty sad…” She trails off and her voice sounds muffled. I guess she’s still at work and talking to someone there. “No, don’t do that, Christopher… I don’t care if you think you know what you’re doing, you don’t. You’re an idiot… Aww, boo hoo. The mean hot girl called you an idiot. Do you want to call your mommy and ask if you can suck on her tits for dinner?... Oh my gosh! I'm not vulgar. You’re the one acting like you’re a baby and babies drink breast milk so… Bye, Christopher. Have a horrible night!”Her voice grows louder as she brings the phone back to her mouth. “I hate him so much. He’s such an idiot and he doesn’t want to listen to me about anything.”
“So, when is your first date?” I smirk, knowing this is going to piss her off. Also, there’s a very real possibility she has a date planned with him.
“Thursday,” she sighs. “I told him it better be a nice date or I'm leaving our table and making out with the first guy I see in front of him.”
“You’re so mean.” Ichuckle.
Macy’s crazy, but I love her like a sister. She’s not worried about saying or doing whatever she wants. She doesn’t care about other people’s opinions or impressing them. She’s here to live her life without apology. Sometimes I wish I could be more like her.
“I am, but it’s not my fault boys are stupid and like to date the women who are mean to them.” She’s quiet for a moment and my mind slowly drifts to what else I need to accomplish tonight to make sure everything’s done in time. “But back to sad Wyatt.”
“I was hoping you had forgotten about that,” I groan.
“Of course not! Who could forget the sad hottie?”
“I don’t really want to talk about him. I need to get my entire apartment packed up by myself. I don’t have time for this.”
“Fine, but I have one question… How long are you going to punish him for a stupid decision he made at twenty years old?”
“I don’t know. How long are you going to punish Cord for his decision he made at twenty-one?”
“That’s different and you know it!”
“It’s really not, but you can keep pretending it is.” I roll my eyes.
“I'm hanging up on you,” she singsongs.
“Fine.” I chuckle. “Oh and, Mace?”