Page 23 of Coming Home
“Ew, I don’t need to see all of that.” I grimace.
“Said no woman ever.” Cord rolls his eyes. “I’ve missed you.” He tugs me into a bear hug and presses a kiss to the crown of my head. Cord’s always been like a brother to me and I’ve missed this more than I realized. Having him back in my life has been really nice. The teasing is something I never thought I’d want to have again, but I do.
“I missed you too. Especially these hugs. If we’re going to see each other every day at work, can I have a hug each morning?” I flutter my lashes at him, making him chuckle.
He releases me and steps back with a boyish grin on his face. He looks so much like the high schooler I remember right now.
“I’llgive you a hug every morning and afternoon.” He winks and sucks his bottom lip between his teeth while shaking his head. “I'm so happy you’re back where you belong. We need to hang out soon… but without Macy.”
“I’d love that. Though I wish you guys could work things out.”
“She’s made her feelings clear. She doesn’t want to live this life and I'm not giving it up when I’ve been working for this since I was in elementary school.” He shrugs. “We can't have everything we want in life, Charlie. Sometimes we have to live with what God gives us and be happy about it.”
“Hey, Charlie?” I glance up to find Danny standing in the doorway to his office with a soft smile on his face. “Can I see you in my office for a few minutes?”
“Sure. I’ll be there in a second.”
He nods his head and as soon as he’s out of sight, I turn my attention back to Cord.
“Well, I'm sure I’ll be seeing you… all day long.” He chuckles. “It’s still so weird to have you back.”
“Soon you’ll get tired of seeing me,” I singsong. “Then you’ll be begging me to go back to California.”
“I’d never get tired of your pretty smile. Make good choices!” He calls over his shoulder as he makes his way in the opposite direction of Danny’s office. I laugh at his last comment. Owen used to always tell us to make good choices before we left the house todo something. It’s become an inside joke and Owen’s completely unaware we do it.
I knock on the open door before stepping in and finding Danny talking to another man. They both lift their gazes and offer me gentle smiles.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yes. This is Gary. Gary, this is Charlie Robinson, your new physical therapist. She comes highly recommended from… Well, pretty much everyone. She’s worked with minor league teams and college teams. She’s worked with more than just baseball players, but she loves baseball.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sir.” I hold out my hand and grin when he gives me a strong handshake. I hate when men shake my hand all dainty like because I'm a woman.
“Don’t call me sir. It’s weird.” He frowns at me, making me chuckle. I think we’re going to get along great already. “I heard you worked with some of the players last week when you came for your tour.”
“I did. Leo said his shoulder was stiff and he wanted to work on some pitching so I offered to stretch him out. I actually grew up with Wyatt Everson, Leo Jackson, and Cord Powell.”
“Oh, I know exactly who you are, Charlie. I heard all about the ice fishing too.” He lets out a deep laugh.
“Dammit, Owen,” I mutter under my breath.
“Eh, he deserved it. I guarantee it.” He waves me off. “Owen’s had his eye on you since you decided to go to physical therapy school. I reached out to some old friends and was pleasantly surprised to hear how well you did and how highly they recommended you. I think you’re going to fit in great here.” He lifts his wrist and checks his watch. “Well, this old man needs to go take his meds. I’ll meet with you later to go over things, but the team doctor normally meets with the players this week and does a physical to see if there are any potential problem areas we need to look out for. Owen’s really focused on the player as a person and not just a body on the field. It’s paying off for him and I'm glad to see an owner who doesn’t just care about the bottom dollar… Come to the physical therapy room when you’re ready.”
Gary leaves the room and I turn back to Danny. I'm not sure if he just wanted to introduce me to Gary, or if he needed me for something else.
“Did you need anything else?”
“Yes. I’m waiting for the team doctors to come so you can meet them. Jesse Chipkin is the orthopedic doctor and Brent Walker is the head doctor. They both wanted to meet with you and say hello.”
“I'm sure they do.” I chuckle.
“Am I missing something?” Danny cocks his head to the side and stares at me.
“Oh, she’s awful! Look at those split ends. Someone fire this girl!” The man lifts the tips of my hair and tugs on it gently.
I spin around to find Jesse standing in the doorway with a big smirk on his face. I don’t bother acting professionally. I haven’t seen Jesse in a long time. I launch myself into his arms and hug him tightly.
“How ya doing, princess?”