Page 31 of Coming Home
Charlie glances at her watch and nibbles on her bottom lip. “Are you ready for this massage? I don’t want to get home late. I'm beat from today.”
“You don’t need to do this if you’re tired. I’ll be fine.”
“No. I already discussed all of this with Owen. We’re working on a plan that could change everything for the players. I need to make sure we stay on a specific schedule so I can make sure it’s working.”
“Ok. I have one of those tables in my gym. I use it when I want to stretch out my muscles and I don’t want to lay on the floor.”
“Can you grab a pillow and two sheets?”
“Yeah. I’ll be right back.”
I jog to my bedroom and grab what she asked for. When I return to the dining room, she isn't there. I head towards the gym and find her tugging some things out of her bag.
“Is this ok?” I hold up the pillow and sheets.
“Yeah. I want you to get undressed and lay on your stomach. I’ll put one sheet on the table, then you can cover up with the other one.”
She spreads out the fabric over the table, then turns her back on me. I don’t hesitate to pull my shirt off and push my shorts down my legs. I climb onto the table and make sure the sheet covers up my ass. I truly couldn’t care less if she sees me naked, but I think she would.
“I'm ready,” I say softly.
“Ok.” Charlie spins around to face me as she gathers her hair into a high pony. As soon as her hair is secure, she pumps some massage oil into her hands.
She begins at my neck and slowly works her way down my body. When she gets to my legs, she moves the sheet so it’s between my legs and barely covering anything.
“How are your glutes?”
She moves back to my lower back and when she glides her hands down, she goes until her fingers are at the top of my ass.
“Please tell me you’re not asking the other guys this. They’re going to take advantage of you,” I groan into my pillow.
“No.” She giggles. “I'm asking you because you spend a lot of time squatting and that can make them tight.”
“They’re sore, but I'm not expecting you to massage them.”
“Are you opposed to me doing it?” She asks quietly.
“Sweetheart, I'm not opposed to you doing anything to me.”
She digs her elbow into my butt cheek and I let out an embarrassing moan. It feels so good. So much better than I ever imagined itfeeling. She keeps going and when she’s finished, she moves to working on my upper thighs.
I'm a little worried about how hard I'm going to be by the time I flip over, but she doesn’t seem to care. I wonder how many men she’s massaged over the years and how many of them have gotten turned on by having her hands on them.
“Did you massage players on the other teams you worked at?”
“No. They didn’t employ massage therapists, but they had a few the guys liked and they kept them handy. They’d focus on a specific area though, not the entire body.”
“Why are you doing my whole body then?”
“Because I think it’s important to treat the entire body. Sure, I'm going to spend a little more time on your problem areas, but should you ignore the rest of your body until it starts to hurt? Or should we get ahead of the problem? Plus, having your back and chest massaged is relaxing. Sometimes you just need to relax.”
“Well, this is definitely relaxing,” I murmur into the pillow.
“Good. Flip over for me. I’ll hold the blanket for you.”
She turns her head to the side so she’s facing my head, but not looking at me as she lifts the sheet off of me.
“What are you doing?” I chuckle.