Page 54 of Coming Home
“Smart man.” Her grin widens.
Charlie hands over my burrito before opening hers on her lap. She grabs two plates off the nightstand and hands one to me. I’m glad she thought about how messy burritos will be because I surely didn’t. I would’ve been covered in food by the end of this meal.
“Holy crap, this is so good,” she mumbles around a mouth-full of food.
“I know it used to be your favorite and I figured you probably haven’t had it in a long time. Plus, it was our spot.” I shrug. “I haven’t eaten there since we broke up. And having you here made me crave it big time.”
“I haven’t eaten there since we broke up either,” she says softly.
We’re quiet as we devour our dinner, comfortable just being with each other. It’s so nice to not have any strange tension between us anymore.
“Ugh! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Charlie stares down at the smear of queso on her white shirt and grimaces. “I need to get this out or it’s going to stain.”
“Finish your dinner. Five more minutes isn't going to make a difference.” I chuckle.
It’s odd seeing Charlie as an adult. The old version of her would’ve ignored the stain and thrown it in the hamper for Addi to deal with. When Addi saw it, she immediately brought it over to Mom because she claims she can never get stains out, and Mom has some sort of super power when it comes to laundry.
This version of her is independent and self-sufficient. She doesn’t need anyone else in life and that makes me sad. I know it’s all my fault. I made coming home weird for her. I made her feel like she didn’t have a family to lean on any longer.
A huge crack of thunder has Charlie jumping in the air and spilling more queso onto her shirt. She lets out a loud groan and her head falls back so she’s staring up at the ceiling. I chuckle and shake my head. I’ve missed her more than I realized.
After she quickly eats the rest of her dinner, she takes the empty plates into the kitchen and cleans up for me. I appreciate everything she’s doing to make sure I don’t have to attempt to move around.
“It’s pouring. I left my stuff in my car and I'm going to get soaked.” She walks into my room with her shirt in her hands, scrubbing at the stain.
I swallow thickly as my gaze roams over her body. She’s wearing a black sports bra and tiny black shorts, but nothing else. Her toned stomach is on display, showing off more of her skin than I’ve seen in a long time. Her breasts are almost spilling out of the bra, but I'm not going to complain. I love this view.
She’s so different from the girl I once knew, but I think I like this version better. She’s curvy and beautiful. She’s always been my dream woman, and having her body beneath mine would be a dream come true.
“You can wear one of my shirts,” my voice comes out raspy and almost like a growl.
Charlie’s gaze snaps up and she stares at me for a minute. Then she seems to realize she doesn’t have a shirt on.
“Sorry, does this bother you? I can throw this back on and run out to my car.” She glances out the window where the rain is coming down in sheets.
“No. It wouldn’t bother me if you took off more clothes either.” I smirk.
“Wyatt!” She giggles, making my smile grow. I love this woman. I’ve always loved her and I'm not sure anything could ever change that.
“What? I’ve barely seen you in the past eight years. You’ve changed physically and as a person, sweetheart. I want to get to know this version better. I want to knowthisCharlie just as well as I knewmyCharlie.”
“I never stopped being your Charlie,” she whispers softly.
“You did, but that’s ok. I'm not giving up. I'm going to make you mine again.”
“I thought you weren’t pushing things between us.”
“That was before you almost let me kiss you. Before you slept the entire night in my arms. Now, I'm not giving up. You want this just as much as I do. You know being together is like coming home.”
She swallows hard andstares at me. She doesn’t want to admit I'm right, but we both know I am. She wets her lips and drops her gaze to the floor.
“I know I said you could have the spare bedroom, but do you think you could sleep in here tonight? I'm scared of thunder.”
Her head snaps up and she meets my gaze. A slow smile spreads across both of our faces at the same time.
“You’re such a liar! You love thunderstorms!”
“Anything to get the pretty girl in my bed.” I shrug.