Page 62 of Coming Home
“Yeah, if you’re willing to give up your current house. We already discussed putting a fence around the property and adding a secure gate like you have at your place.”
“Wes, that would be amazing,” I whisper. “I know Charlie’s always wanted to live here. It would be a dream come true for her.”
“I know. I kinda want your house across the street from ours and your parents. I miss having my little girl around and I need her close. You could live in your house until it’s done and then I don’t care if you keep it or sell it.”
“I’ll sell it and give the money to Kasey construction. You can use it to fund the new houses.”
“I don’t need your money, Wyatt.” Wes chuckles.
“I know, but I don’t want this all handed to me for free. At least let me pay for the fence and gate. You’re clearly only putting that in because of who I am.”
“Fine. You can finance that. I’d like it around the entire property so if we end up building on more of it, we don’t have to move the fence.”
“That sounds great.”
“But I want to know when you’re going to propose to her.” He grins.
“Soon. Very soon.”
Chapter 29
I keep glancing out the back door to make sure things are staying civil between Wyatt and Dad. I don’t think he’d do anything to hurt Wyatt, but you can never be so sure.
“What’s it like to work with the Pit Bulls?” Kennedy takes a seat next to me and smiles. “I always thought it would be fun to work for a professional sports team.”
“Yeah, that’s never happening,” Blake speaks up. “I don’t need a bunch of jackasses who make a lot more money than me to flirt with my wife.”
“They have much better bodies too.” I smirk, knowing it’s going to send him into a whole rant.
“They do not! Are you kidding me right now? This body is built by hard work and dedication. I have muscles they don’t even know how to get because you don’t build them in a gym. You get them by actually working with your hands and doing things that don’tinvolve swinging a bat. Those boys will lose it all when they stop getting paid to look like that too.”
“Oh, here we go.” Mom rolls her eyes.
“When they’re not playing, most of them eat like crap and barely workout. That’s why they have such a hard time in spring training. They don’t stay consistent with their routines when it’s up to them alone.”
“Yeah, but they have more abs than you.” I pretend to yawn to hide my chuckle. If there’s one thing Blake takes pride in, it’s his abs. It’s been an ongoing joke for as long as I can remember.
“That’s it. I'm taking off my shirt so we can see just how many abs I have.” He struggles to get the oven mitts off of his hands and is just lifting the hem of his shirt when Dad walks through the door.
“What the hell are you trying to do?” Dad frowns at his best friend and business partner.
“Prove to your sassy daughter that I'm built better than these boys she works with. She’s trying to say they have better abs than me.”
“Some have better asses too,” I mumble under my breath. His gaze snaps to me and I smile sweetly like I didn’t just destroy his world.
“Thanks, Charlie.” Kennedy chuckles.
“For what?”
“Well, he’s going to spend the next month spending every second in the gym. So, thank you for the benefits I'm going to reap because of that.” She winks at me.
“Either way, I have better abs.” Dad lifts his shirt up and Blake lets out a dramatic gasp. He rounds the island and runs his fingers over Dad’s abs, counting as he goes.
“Since when do you have eight defined abs! This is bullshit!”