Page 7 of Coming Home
I don’t wait for her to respond. Instead, I climb the steps to Blake’s house and use the key he gave me.
Let’s just hope everyone’s already asleep.
Chapter 4
I run a rough hand through my hair as I watch her walk out of the pub. I don’t know how to make things normal between us. I want our old relationship back. I want to be able to tug her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. To lift her off of the ground and spin her around in a circle. To enjoy my time with her and be able to talk without avoiding certain topics… like the last eight years of her life.
I'm lucky things between us aren’t the way they are between Macy and Cord. We’re still friends and that’s never going to change, but I want her to be mine again. Even if our friendship is strained and barely hanging on by a thread.
I need my Charlie back. More than anything, I want her to be my wife.
The thought rushes through me like a runaway train. I’ve always imagined ending up with Charlie, but I'm not sure I’ll evermake it work. I screwed everything up when I put her first and broke up with her.
“Are you staying longer or are you going home to lick your wounds?” Leo asks quietly.
“Shut up, man.” I roll my eyes.
“No. I’ve been by your side through it all. I’ve seen how torn up you are over what happened. There’s no way you aren’t hurting right now.” Leo lifts his beer to his lips.
“I'm going home to call my dad and ask why no one told me she’s moving home.”
“Damn, I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that conversation.” Cord smirks. “I'm taking Cici home. I’ll see you guys at the clubhouse tomorrow.” Cord pats me on the back as he moves past us.
“And then there were two.” Smithy drapes his arm across Leo’s shoulders and grins. “There’s a group of women in the corner who have been eyeing us up all night. Are you interested in taking someone home?”
“Nope. But you go get ‘em tiger.” Leo rolls his eyes and shoves Smithy in their direction. “He’s got to be a walking STD, right?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t really care. But he better stay away from my girl.”
Wyatt: Are you still awake?
I toss my phone on my bed as I strip my shirt off and toss it in the hamper. I can't believe everyone’s staying hush hush on this. Normally they’re meddling in everything and asking more questions than I care to answer.
Dad: No.
Wyatt: I'm calling and you better pick up.
Dad: You’re very demanding.
Wyatt: Answer the phone.
I press the video call button and groan when it rings three times. Right before I'm about to hang up, Dad’s deep voice floats through the phone and an image of him and Mom appear on the screen.
“You’re interrupting me showing your mom what I can do with my-”
“Nope. Stop talking!” I say loud enough to drown out whatever he was about to say and cover the speaker on my phone. When I uncover it, all I hear is his deep laughter.
“Ignore him! We’re laying on the couch, watching a movie. The kids just went to bed a few minutes ago.” Mom smiles at me.
I really need to get home more often. I only live about twenty minutes away, but my schedule is always packed. I should make more of an effort to see them and my siblings.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me Charlie’s moving home?” I skip right to the chase. I don’t have the energy for small talk right now.
There’s silence on the other end of the line. I frown at the screen and wonder if the call froze. Neither one of them are moving, but it’s still connected.