Page 37 of Avenging Angel
It said,Clarice Davis and Associates, Attorney-at-Law, with phone number, email, address, and on the back, in pretty but professional handwriting,Emergencies only, and a telephone number.
I set that aside and grabbed the papers.
They were stuck together with a gold binder clip (all of this was freaking me out, but not enough not to note that gold clip was pure class), the front page blank.
I flipped it over.
And ice filled my veins.
I dropped the papers like they’d burst on fire, grabbed my purse, pulled out my phone and called Luna.
* * *
“Who’s Kelly Garrett?”Luna asked casually, standing, sipping and flipping through the papers that were in her hand.
Papers I hadn’t touched in the time it took me to call her and demand she get her ass to my place. I only sifted through them when she got to my place, gave Cleo a rubdown and poured herself a glass of wine.
Papers that were given to me, but after glancing at them once I had the moral support of my bestie at hand, I saw contained a brief letter at the front that was addressed to Kelly Garrett, and said, simply,Things you might wish to know. x-A Friend.
“Jaclyn Smith. One of the original Angels.”
“Oh yeah, right,” she muttered, flipping to the next page.
“When Cap asked my name, I gave him that one,” I told her.
Her head shot up. “Kelly Garrett?”
I nodded.
“Holy cow. Do you think this is from him?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know!” I cried. “He sure didn’t seem thrilled I involved myself in Elsie Fay’s situation. He also seems pretty honest and straightforward, not prone to subterfuge. I couldn’t imagine him sending the righteous chick Olivia Pope wished she was with a weird envelope filled with”—I circled my finger at the papers in her hand—“whatever the hell that is.”
“It looks like a list of all the dudes who raped that co-ed,” she said. “And I know that because at the top, it says, ‘List of Co-Ed Sexual Assaulters.’” She waved the papers. “It seems whoever she is thinks your job is unfinished.”
“I fucked up on that assignment.”
She dropped the papers on the table and crossed her arms, being careful not to spill her wine as she did so.
“Assignment?” she queried. “An assignment is something someoneassigns. It’s kinda in the word. What you did to that asshole was all you.”
I couldn’t dispute that, so I didn’t.
Instead, I asked, “How does whoever this is know it was me?”
“Okay.” Luna moved to my sky-blue velvet armchair and sat down. “We got Cap, the guy who was with Cap today, and whoever that Mace guy was you mentioned last night, who know about this, yeah?”
“I don’t know if Liam knows, maybe Cap told him. But no way it’s Mace. He was totally against me doing the vigilante thing, and he didn’t hide it.”
“So the guy today?”
She nodded.
“I don’t know. Does he seem like a guy who can afford an expensive attorney, who carries a Birkin bag, to act as his go-between and someone who can provide me with a car so I won’t get made doing my thing in Tweety?”
She shook her head. “Not so much.”