Page 34 of This Wicked Bond
“Are you evil, too?” The smile tugs wider, and as much as I want to be terrified, the fact she knew about that story means she’s been present my whole life.
Asmo used to read it to me, claiming it signified that everyone has two sides of the same coin, good and evil inside them. It’s what we choose to do, the actions we take, that determine which side we’re on. He used to jokingly call me Jekyll, believing that I was what ensured his coin stayed right side up. I wonder if that is still the case with his memories of me gone.
“Evil is a strong word. Protective is better.”
“Of me?” I crinkle my brow.
“Yes, you. We share a butt. If your butt gets kicked, mine does too.”
Scooping another chunk of the whipped chocolate into my mouth, I ponder where to start. There’s so many questions, so much that I want to know.
“What do I call you?” I ask aloud, still unsure if it’s possible to speak to her in my head. It would have to be–somehow. I haven't seen the others talk to the air.
“Whatever you want. Introductions aren’t important right now. What is, is keeping our head firmly planted on our shoulders and not rolling next to a guillotine.”
Cringing, I try to wipe the mental image from my mind. “Hyde it is.”
A warm sensation fills me, as if she’s laughed or smiled at the notion. Though, it could be the chocolate. The sugar is starting to take hold.
“You need to court one of them. Accept a mate mark, or give one if you feel bitey. I don’t care. There’s something off with this. I can feel it in my gut. There was no reason for the sheep to push you, to try and kill us, but he did. Not everyone in Loric’s group is on board with escorting us.”
I bounce a brow, scooping another bite. “Yeah, I got the same feeling.”
“Duh, we have the same stomach.”
Rolling my eyes, I lean back, resting my head against the wooden bed frame. “But Vik was so kind and Loric tried to assure me. It felt genuine. I thought it might just be me reading into things that aren’t there. Still, I doubt courting someone will help. What would that do besides hitch myself to one of them forever?”
“It gives us their protection. It’s an unspoken death wish to harm someone’s mate, fully bonded, courting or otherwise. It doesn’t matter what stage it’s in, and until you both have been marked, nothing is permanent and everything can be broken. For now, just starting the process will work. We need their help to get out of Solaria, but we don’t know what they have planned for us after that. Having the mark will guarantee that we can’t be harmed–at least, until it fades.”
“I don’t know much about the mating process, but I know enough to say it’s not that black and white. Once the claim has been made, a magical pull settles in and tries to close the deal. Gael told me about it–us about it. He said it was hard to deny. What if we start this courtship and can’t stop it? Not that I’d even know how to begin it, or convince someone to do it with us.”
Reaching for the letter Loric left on the end table, I trace his writing with my finger. Maybe I wouldn’t have to… My beast has already made her interest known, and I can’t shake the way Loric looked at me… Maybe he’s interested. Maybe it’s as simple as popping the question.
“Oh, he’s interested. He’s just being stubborn.”
“So, you can hear my thoughts? I don’t need to talk to you outloud?”
“Yes, when you allow it. Most of the time, I’m shoved into the darkest corner of your mind. I can’t hear shit there.”
“Sorry.” I’m not sure why I’m apologizing for something I’m not consciously doing, but it seems right.
“It doesn’t have to be Loric. The other two men are unmated.”
“I’ve barely said two words to them. I wouldn’t consider the time I’ve had with Loric to be ‘bonding,’ but it’s more than I have with Jesper or Faelor.”
“It doesn’t matter who you choose. Just pick one that’s willing. We’d get all of their protection, not just who you sink your teeth into. Until you do so, we’re not safe.”
I ponder her words, feeling the weight of reality settling upon my shoulders. She’s right… I’ve felt like there’s something missing since Asmo left me with them. If courting one of them will ensure no harm comes our way, it can’t hurt. Then, if it turns out that Loric truly is doing this out of the kindness of his heart, at least I played it safe. I’d rather undergo some temporary bond than end up in chains in another crooked man’s dungeon.
Who knows what someone would want to do to the king’s daughter, but I doubt it would be anything good.
"Alright," I say quietly before I lose the courage. "We’ll try.”
"Good,"my beast replies."Now get some rest. You look like shit. You can’t flirt in these conditions.”
I jerk as if her words have struck me. “You don’t even know what I look like. I barely know what I look like.”
“I saw you in the pool, now sleep.”