Page 91 of This Wicked Bond
“You don't know that.”
I swallow the lump forming in my throat. “I do… but I can promise you that the day I'm crowned, I'll come for you. It's the only way everyone stays safe.”
He sniffs. “You may never shift.”
My heart seeps into my stomach and I don't have an answer I could give him for that. “I know…”
He nods, understanding swirling in his sterling eyes. “To the moons then.” Rough hands rest against the side of my throat as he bends to kiss me, and I taste his tears on my lips when he pulls away. “Let's do it before I change my mind.”
He takes his clothes off, stuffing them in his bag.
“Great. You made him angry and now we'll get to take a trip down his throat… It's supposed to be the opposite, you know. You're supposed to swallow him, not the other way around and certainly not in dragon form.”
Do you have any better ideas?
Good. Then shut it.
Loric steps away from me, finding a wide, clear space. Then his eyes glow, his teeth lengthen, and talons slice through his fingertips. He drops to all fours as his skin ripples and scales flare, springing forth as the sounds of bones snapping and popping fills the air.
More of the same comes from my right as Jesper follows suit. Then Mira, leaving Brenn and me standing here twiddling our thumbs. The kitten nestled in my arm curls closer, as if sensing the laden power permeating the air as their human forms disappear, replaced by three colossal majestic dragons.
Loric's the first to finish, his scales a sea of white. His breath mists like sleet as he breathes. Spikes cover his back, translucent like glass and the scales on his body are so pure that they reflect a pale rainbow of colors as he moves.
They're so familiar…
His gray eyes are still the same striking silver as he stares at me. And my face falls the moment I realize why those scales seem familiar. He told me his sister died in my father's dungeon and that wasn't long before I was born. And as long as I can remember, those same scales coated the white room's walls.His sister's scales.
My heart flutters as if it can't take a beat and it breaks for him. What he must've witnessed and lived through while he was there… I just hope the scales were added after he was freed because if he laid on that altar surrounded by her scales… If it was me I don't think I would've made it out.
Burnt ozone singes my nose and I glance to my right to see Jesper. His scales are a dark midnight blue and purple currents slide over his body. He lowers his head to the dirt and smoke blows through his nostrils as his forked tail swishes.
My eyes shift to Mira, a dark emerald whose scales are dull but look far stronger than the others, and red light shines from beneath her scales as they tip.
“Beautiful, isn't she?” Brenn says, waggling his eyes and nudging me.
I can't help but wonder where it all goes. They're huge, easily twice as big as the entire cottage we stayed in.
“Well, here goes nothing. I guess I'll see you on the other side.” Brenn grabs the bags from the ground and heads toward Mira.
I take a hesitant step toward Loric, pausing to grab a nightgown from my bag and turning it into a makeshift sling for the kitten.
“You need to name it,”Hyde says.
Why? What does it matter to you?
“You keep calling it an IT.”
I'll work on it. Shit.I'll work on a NAME.
My breaths are ragged as I reach Loric's dragon, his teeth as long as my arm, but I fight to not tremble, to square my shoulders.
“You better not eat me.” I boop him in the nose and he flinches. “I mean it.”
I got this…
If dragons can smile, I'm pretty sure he just did, revealing every long tooth in his mouth.