Page 44 of Final Truth
“We’ll figure out something.” Thea’s worried expression relaxed and Jolie smiled at her, suddenly aware of how wonderful it was to be with her sister again, to be with someone with whom she’d shared a thousand experiences while growing up.This is what I’ve been missing all along.
“I guess I’d better get out there, or he’s going to hot-wire that truck. Or maybe he’ll just bark an order tomakeit to start.”
“Keep trying with him, and I will too.” Jolie shook her head slowly, knowing that nothing would help unless Robert chose to accept the truth. “There’s a sense of powerlessness associated with chronic illnesses that’s hard to accept, especially for a man like Dad. But refusing to deal with his CHF could be fatal.”
“It won’t be,” Thea said flatly. “Whether he likes it or not, I’m going to make sure he lives a long time.”
MANDY HAD SUPPERwaiting when Jolie pulled up to the cabin an hour later. The aromas of garlic, beef, and sour cream wafted through the door as she stepped inside. Rising above it was the even more enticing scent of still-warm cookies.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Mandy said in a rush, her hands gripping the back of a kitchen chair. “I thought you might be tired, and I was here anyway. I found a box of hamburger stroganoff mix, and there was some ground beef in the fridge. Is that okay? I could start something else—”
Jolie crossed the kitchen and gave her a quick hug. “It smells wonderful. Thank you.”
The dark circles under Mandy’s eyes had faded, but the nervous darting of her gaze revealed her fearfulness. “I...I didn’t mean to be snooping in your kitchen or anything. Honest.”
“Oh, Mandy. I’mhappyyou made supper.” Jolie moved to the stove and lifted the lid of a pan. “Vegetables, too!”
“And there are cookies. I made chocolate chip. Is that okay?”
“My favorite. How did you guess?”
A tentative smile tipped the corners of Mandy’s mouth. “The five bags of chocolate chips I found in your cupboard.”
OVER SUPPER JOLIEweighed the options, considered how best to discuss them without spooking Mandy into running. As she finished a last forkful of the casserole, she measured her words carefully. “We need to talk about your future.”
Mandy froze. “You want me to leave?”
“Of course not.” Jolie moved her plate to one side. “I’m new to practice in Montana, and don’t yet know about the local agencies. I called my sister Cassie because she works with the child services system.”
Jolie shook her head. “If Bobby is responsible for—”
Chair legs screeched against the wooden floor as Mandy jumped up and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. “You don’t believe me, either.”
This wasn’t going to be as easy as Jolie had hoped. “That’s not it. I believe you. But if we’re going to get the courts to grant you support, we have to have proof. Please, just sit down. Let’s talk about your choices.”
Her eyes bright with tears, Mandy wavered, then finally sank back onto the front edge of her chair.
“Honey, I know your dad made it hard for you to evenfinda job in this town, let alone keep one. So you need to be thinking about how you can provide for this child. Unless you are considering other options...”
“Abortion?”Mandy’s voice filled with horror.
Thankful Mandy hadn’t chosen to terminate her pregnancy, Jolie resisted the sudden impulse to give her a hug.
“Not at all. But have you thought about adoption?”
“N-no. I couldn’tevergive up my baby.”
“Then we need to look into how you’re going to cover medical care and financial support.”
Mandy’s expression changed to desperation. “I’m not going to the Maxwells for money. Never. Not after what Bobby said.”
“This is his financial responsibility, too. When paternity is proven—” Catching the glimmer of anger in Mandy’s eyes, Jolie talked faster, and wished she’d had time to discuss the matter with Thea at the clinic. “Even if we know the truth already, DNA proof willforcehim to provide child support.”
Mandy’s lower lip trembled. “Does that mean he could sue for custody?”
Dangerous ground here. “That doesn’t seem very likely.”