Page 53 of Final Truth
“Did you call the sheriff?”
Jolie nodded. “He’s looking for her, too. She must have come down our road. I was hoping that maybe she’d stopped here or that you’d at least seen her.”
“Neither one.” He reached out and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’ll help you look, though. Annie can stay here and watch Charlie.”
That hand on her shoulder might have been meant to be comforting, but that gentle touch made her want to step closer. Except that the most important thing right now was to find Mandy and make sure she was safe.
“Any chance she’d head across country instead of taking the road? Someone raised in the area would know all the shortcuts. I’ve seen a bloodhound in the deputy sheriff’s car. If she doesn’t turn up, maybe he’d be able to tell us something.”
“Jed?” Jolie tried but failed to suppress a laugh. “That dog is a big sweetheart, but he must have the worst nose in all of bloodhound history. Of course, he did come through when Rafe and Thea had tracked the poacher last February. But usually he can’t find a dog biscuit if it slides out of sight.”
“Would she risk hitchhiking?”
Jolie shuddered. “I hope not.”
His forehead creased with concern, Matt glanced up at the house. “It’s almost seven o’clock, and it’ll be dark before long. I’ll tell the kids I’ll be gone a while, and then I’ll go with you.”
She waited while he went in, and through the open windows heard him warn Annie and Charlie to lock the doors tight and stay inside. He stood on the porch until they both heard the deadbolt slide home from the inside.
“Let’s go,” he said, tipping his head toward his truck. “I’ll drive, you can keep an eye out for her.”
He opened the truck door for her. Took her arm to help her climb in. “I could get used to this,” she murmured as she fastened her seatbelt.
“A search posse?” He grinned at her as he slid behind the wheel and slammed his door shut.
No, spending time with you.“Uh...yes.”
“Should we head out to the main highway or cruise through town first?”
“Let’s start in town—that won’t take long at all.”
It didn’t.
With an area of no more than twelve square blocks, the town was quiet at this time on a Monday evening.
After cruising up and down each street, Matt pulled up in front of the Lone Wolf Bar at the south end of town, then hooked an arm over the back of the seat. “Where should we go next?”
“I don’t know. I’d just like to know that she’s—” Her cellular phone rang. “Hold on.”
Rafe’s voice came through loud enough that even Matt would be able to hear. “I found her.”
“Is she okay?” Jolie gripped the phone tighter.
“She’d gone down to the highway and was planning on hitching a ride, but she was having second thoughts by the time I found her. A few truck drivers honked at her—scared her half to death. I talked her into coming back to your place, if you still want her.”
Muffled voices came through the receiver as Rafe apparently asked Mandy some questions, then he returned. “I’m taking her out to her dad’s place so she can pick up a few things. We’ll be up your way in about an hour.”
Matt cocked an eyebrow after Jolie ended the conversation. “Problems?”
“No.Goodnews. Rafe is bringing her back in about an hour.”
She expected Matt to turn the truck around and head through town toward Coyote Creek Road, but he just sat there, pensively studying her, as if debating the wisdom of his next move.
“You have some time before she arrives,” he said after a long silence. I can call Annie and make sure everything is under control at home. Want to stop for a coffee?”
This was no request for a date, no promise of anything more. It was just a simple, friendly gesture.