Page 86 of Final Truth
“Dad really got on me about responsibility and the ranch...” A dull flush crept up Bobby’s neck. “I didn’t get to town for weeks.”
“None of this changes the facts. You have a legal responsibility here, Bobby,” Jolie said quietly.
Mandy stood up abruptly and shoved her forefinger at Bobby’s chest. “Well, don’t worry. You’re off the hook. I don’t want your money, and I don’t want you. I’ll deny that you’re the father, and if anyone tries to force me to undergo DNA tests, I’ll disappear.Happy?” She headed for the door without looking back. “I have to get back to work.”
A heavy silence fell after she left.
“I did try to call her a few times. She wouldn’t ever come to the phone.” Bobby leaned forward and dropped his face in his hands. “I have made such a mess of things.”
“You hurt her very badly, Bobby.” Jolie moved to shut the door for privacy and took a deep breath, sending up a silent prayer for the right words. Wondering if she could get through to him.
“If you aren’t careful, you’ll have a son or daughter whom you’ll never see. If Mandy meets someone else, that man will raise your child. You’ll never even know if he treats your child well.”
Bobby flinched. “Don’t I have rights?”
“Parental rights can be settled in a court of law, but it would be much easier if she doesn’t try to disappear. For the benefit of the child, you two need to work out a friendly relationship. An adversarial one will be hard on all three of you.”
A soft knock sounded at the door.
“Mrs. Watkins is still waiting,” Irene said through the door. “Do you know how long you’ll be?”
“Coming.” Jolie rose as Bobby did, and moved forward to give him a hug. “Take care. And let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
Bobby nodded, then silently walked out the door.
“HE’S HERE,”Mandy called out. “Should I let him in, or should he wait out on the porch?”
“Um...let him in.” Jolie struggled with the back zipper and hook fastener of the dress, then searched the floor for her high heels while trying to arrange her hair. Anticipation fluttered through her midsection.
This is just two friendly neighbors having a sociable night out,she reminded herself. No big deal.
But she still couldn’t forget that second, gentle kiss that had wrapped around her heart like a warm embrace. A kiss that had felt so...right.
This so-called date had given her minor anxiety attacks all week long.Enjoy the night and don’t expect anything else,she told herself firmly.He’s just another nice guy, and none of them ever last, anyway.
The cabin door opened, then shut. Heavy footsteps moved into the great room, and the sound of Matt’s deep voice, interspersed with Mandy’s, filtered down the short hallway.
Jolie swallowed. Took a deep breath. And opened the door.
From the hallway she could see Matt was facing the other way, talking to Mandy. He’d worn a navy blazer that fit perfectly, accenting his broad shoulders and narrow waist. Khaki slacks skimmed his slim hips.
He looked taller. Bigger. Far more imposing than he had in jeans and flannel.
He laughed at something Mandy said, and when he moved, the firelight danced on the dark, deep waves of his hair.
“Hi,” she said quietly as she reached the great room. “All set to go?”
As Matt turned toward her, Mandy gave Jolie a double thumbs-up and smiled broadly from behind him.
Matt simply stared.
“Is something wrong?” Jolie surveyed the front of her dress. Felt for her earrings.
“Nothing at all.” His voice dropped even lower. “You look...wonderful.”
As if an overly curvy, five-foot-five, thirty-three-year-old could look wonderful, but she had to give him points for trying.