Page 102 of Devious Vow
Instantly, I’m grinning like an idiot.
“Hey yourself,” I murmur to Eloise.
Her cheeks burn pink and her big blue eyes sparkle as she looks up at me.
“I, um, heard you were looking for me?”
I snort. “Two weeks ago, yeah.”
She makes a face. “Sorry. I was back home dealing with some stuff…” She looks away, her shoulders slumping. “My sister. She… She’s a handful sometimes.”
“Say no more.”
“Demi…” she frowns. “Neglected to tell me you’d stopped by.”
“Fancy that,” I say dryly.
She grins, biting her lip. “Jin-ho let it slip earlier today.”
My man.
“So…” She shrugs awkwardly. “What… I mean, did you need something?”
Yes, you, oddly enough.
I don’t do repeats. Just as I don’t “do” thinking of someone over and over, day in and day out. It’s freaking me out.
It’s also arguably making me less of a prick than usual.
“What are you doing next weekend?”
Her brows knit. “Uh…nothing? I don’t think so, at least?”
“You going to the Spring Formal?”
What the fuck are you doing, Alistair?
It just spills out of me. I wasn’t even planning on going to the dumb formal dance the school throws two weeks before graduation.
Eloise looks at me curiously, her lip retreating between her teeth.
“I…wasn’t planning on it?”
“What if you did plan on it.” I frown. “Going, I mean. With, uh, me.”
Fucking hell I suck at this.
She’s grinning, though. And blushing. Her eyes are locked with mine.
“I could do that.”
“You’d want to go to the dance with me?”
“Are you asking me?”