Page 55 of Poisonous Kiss
What the fuck is this shit?
“Okay, wait,” I mutter. “Physical expectations…”
Gabriel pauses in the doorway and glances back at me. “Was that an offer?”
My face burns hotly.
“No!” I blurt. “I meant the clauses in…” I scowl. “But actually, on that note…”
Gabriel turns to face me straight on, looking somewhere between amused and annoyed as he folds his arms over his chiseled chest.
“Just…the money you’ve paid me…”
A blush creeps up my face and down my neck as I picture him in that private room at Venom.
Standing over me.
Gripping my throat.
Pushing his cock between my lips.
“I mean, five million is a lot of money.”
“I’m very aware,” he growls. “That’s why it was four, originally.”
“What expectations come attached to that four million?”
His eyes slide over me, making me tremble a little.
“The expectation that you will play your role and do as you’re told.”
“You’re not answering my question. Does that include?—”
“I’ll buy you a vibrator if you’re so hard up, Fumi.”
My jaw drops, blushing furiously as I stare at him. “That is not what I?—”
He storms back over to me, stopping just short of where I’m standing and looking down into my eyes, and I shiver.
Gabriel’s tall. But usually, when I’m face to face with him, I’m in heels.
Right now, obviously, I’m not. And now, when he stands over me, he seriously stands over my small frame.
“Here’s the thing, Fumi,” he growls quietly. “Whatever ideas Taylor slipped into your head, there will not be any ‘relationship clause’ in our agreement.”
I swallow.
“You will not be fucking someone else while you’re married to me.” He growls it with a viciousness in his tone that sends a shiver up my spine and a stab of heat through my core. “Believe me, you don’t want anything to do with me in that regard, either.”
I glare at him indignantly. “I was not propositioning you, you arrogant?—”
“I think that’s enough, kitten.”
It’s like he’s just punched all the air out of my lungs. I can feel the color draining from my face, my legs wavering. Gabriel seems totally unaware of the effect the word’s had on me as he turns and walks to the door.
“What…” I swallow. “What did you just call me?”