Page 70 of Poisonous Kiss
There’s a different concierge working the front desk tonight. But she happily supplies me with my mask and wig from last time, along with another red and gold bracelet.
My pulse races, the thrill of danger mixed with uncertainty why I’m even here pounding in my veins as I make my way into the club.
Same as last time, the sheer eroticism of the place instantly has my skin tingling.
Just inside the first room, I jump back a little bit when I almost walk right into a couple. The man has his partner pinned with her face to the wall as he fucks the hell out of her from behind. His muscled hips loudly slap her ass as he mauls her breasts with one hand and grabs a fistful of her hair in the other. I take in the look of pure ecstasy on her face before I keep going, not wanting to look like a creep.
In the main lounge, I’m momentarily breathless as I take in the orgy already unfolding in the center of the room. In particular, there’s one gorgeous brunette in the middle of one of the large beds surrounded by five muscled men, all taking her at the same time.
Holy shit.
She moans and writhes, lost in pleasure as the five of them take turns filling and fucking her in every conceivable way, grunting as they pound into her.
I gulp, something hot teasing down my spine as I meander through the room. I pull my eyes away from the orgy, scanning the room for Gabriel as I walk over to the bar and order a vodka soda. I only get one sip down my throat before a voice behind me both chills me to my soul and turns my core to molten fire.
“We meet again, kitten.”
My heart literally stops for a second. My entire body jolts as Gabriel’s deep, dark, sultry voice rumbles into my ear.
Instantly, I know this is happening.
Yes, I could run. I could even walk, and I doubt he’d tackle me or anything. But the thing is, I don’t want to.
I want what we had last time again.
Badly. And somehow, it’s even more exciting that he doesn’t realize it’s me.
There’s a part of me that fumes that he’s told me I can’t fuck around…not that I even want to…but, apparently, he can. And I’m even more pissed that if he was so inclined to blow off some steam, he ignored the option of the woman he’s going to be fucking marrying, who happens to be right down the freaking hall from him at home.
But I also sort of get it. Emphasis on sort of.
This is his thing. And when he’s here, he allows himself to “be” this other version of himself. The polar opposite of the straight-laced, level-headed, golden-god lawyer.
Here, he gets to be the dominant beast.
And that’s what I want him to be, tonight, with me.
I shiver as I turn to face him. At the last minute, I make sure my face is lowered just a little, so he can’t stare directly into my eyes. He might not have recognized me before, when I was merely his employee. But things are a bit different now.
“Tell me,” Gabriel growls in a voice that sends tendrils of heat over my skin and makes my thighs clench, “do you want to play again?”
I hesitate. He wanted me non-verbal last time. But if this time is different, and he expects me to speak, things aren’t going to go well…
I merely lift my shoulders and tilt my head.
Instantly, Gabriel surges into me. His hand wraps tight around my throat, sending my pulse through the ceiling as heat pools between my thighs.
“I don’t do maybe, kitten. I do yes or no. Nod or shake your head. Do you want to play.”
My skin is on fire as I find myself nodding my head yes.
A low growl rumbles in his throat.
“Are you sure? Last time was merely an appetizer.”
I nod my head harder, my pulse racing.
“Good girl.”