Page 84 of Poisonous Kiss
“How was the honeymoon?”
Oh, you know. Debaucherous. Debased.
“We’re both pretty wrapped up with work, but we’ll figure something out soon.”
“Uh-huh,” Kratos grunts dryly.
I arch a brow. “Something you’d like to share?”
The giant Drakos brother chuckles deeply. “Gabriel, you know damn well who and what my family is. I know an arranged marriage when I see it.”
My lips thin. “Kratos, I?—”
“Yeah, I don’t need coaching on keeping shit secret. Save your ink and paper. I’m not touching an NDA.”
I frown.
“But that’s because it’s your business, and I have no interest in sharing it with anyone.”
Slowly, I nod. “How obvious would you say it is?”
“Actually? I almost missed it, if I’m being honest,” he smirks. “You sold the fuck out of it at the wedding, gotta say.”
That kiss never should have happened. I mean, obviously, I’ve kissed Fumi before. But those kisses were more like two animals grappling for each other’s jugular, our blood pumping hot, with the taste of fear and savagery in the air.
Kissing her at the altar like that was a misstep. It was too…I don’t know, romantic. Too real. Yes, the goal is to sell this to the public. But when I claimed her mouth at that altar, I worried later that it was too much.
That it was us crossing a line we shouldn’t.
So I’m pleased to hear that it sold—or almost sold—the story to someone like Kratos.
Kratos zips his fingers across his lips. “To the grave. You have my word on that.”
“I appreciate it.”
“You’re going to appreciate this even more.”
He pulls a file folder out of his jacket.
“Tell me that’s what I hope it is.”
“Consider it my wedding present to you.”
Fuck yes.
I’m not one to brush random events off as happenstance that I don’t need to think further about. It’s what makes me a great lawyer. Ironically, it’s also what makes me a phenomenal monster.
So I wasn’t about to just forget the Japanese guy I saw Fumi talking with angrily at my media blitz in the Conrad Hotel’s ballroom. The one who oh-so-artfully dodged giving me a name. The one who tried to insinuate that he “knew” Fumi from law school.
I’ve told myself a dozen times that I’m looking into him because I want to know how he even got past security at the event. But if I were being honest, it’s because I’m trying to find out if he’s an ex of Fumi’s.
It’s a development I didn’t see coming: feelings of jealousy. Feelings of fury when I think about my little kitten with any other man. A feeling close to the kind of impulses I get around pieces of excrement like Dwayne Halbertson.
The desire to kill. To spill blood.
That’s the real reason I asked Kratos to look into that guy. Not because I was concerned about his media credentials or if he actually went to Columbia Law.