Page 17 of Caution
“Generally, within two to three days, the swelling subsides enough to make walking bearable again. Within a week, you might not even realize there was anything wrong at all. If that’s not the case and you’re not noticing any improvement, you’ll want to come back in to get yourself checked out again. It’s possible you could have something more serious going on.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
“Perfect. Now, I’ll get them to come back in with some crutches for you, unless you already have a pair at your disposal,” he told her.
Daisy shook her head and pointed at me. “No. This guy has been carrying me around since he learned what happened to me.”
“Right. Well, then we’ll get you set up with a pair and give him a break.”
The doctor was out the door a minute later with the promise to have us out of the clinic within the next ten minutes.
I used the brief moment of privacy we had to make sure Daisy knew the truth. “If you want the crutches, go for it. But you should know that carrying you around has been the most fun I’ve had since I got here.”
Daisy let out a laugh and shook her head. “You’re crazy, Forrest.”
I shrugged. “Maybe, but it’s the truth.”
Before she could respond, the nurse walked into the room with a pair of crutches. And just as the doctor said would be the case, Daisy and I were out of the clinic eight minutes later.
“Will you do me a favor?”
My eyes shifted to Forrest’s face as I spoke, and the second I got the words out, I realized just how ludicrous my question was. I didn’t have to ask him if he’d do me a favor, because I already knew the answer. I could have simply asked him what I needed him to do for me from the start.
“Sure. Anything.”
Just as I expected.
God, this man felt like a reward I didn’t deserve.
“Will you tell me something about yourself?”
“Like what?”
“Anything. What do you do for a living? Or will you tell me about your family? I’m not picky. I just want something.”
The truth was that I desperately needed something to distract me. Of course, I wasn’t quite sure how effective it would be to have Forrest telling me more about himself. I didn’t think I’d hear anything bad. The likelihood was that he’d tell me things that would only make my predicament even worse than it was already.
As it turned out, Forrest had driven us back to the resort following my visit to the clinic. He’d followed me up to my room, carrying my purse for me and making sure I got here safely with the use of my crutches. I had expected he’d stay for a minute or two to make sure I was all good, and would then leave to head out to snowboard.
He didn’t.
In fact, he made it clear he had no plans to leave any time soon.
It was nice. Sweet, even.
But after everything he’d done for me since the moment I met him when I got stuck on that trail, he was making it more and more impossible for me to not want to make a move on him.
He cared for me in a way that not only surprised me but warmed my heart, too. He didn’t need to disrupt his trip to do all that he was doing for me, and yet, he did it with a smile on his face.
Plus, there was all the stuff he said to me, too.
I wasn’t immune to things like that, and I was quickly becoming attracted to the man beyond just the physical appearance.
But jumping Forrest’s bones wasn’t something a smart woman would do not quite forty-eight hours after meeting him. A smart woman would take the time to get to know him, to see if he was someone worthy of her time.