Page 26 of Caution
I didn’t know if he was going to be that guy for me—it was far too early to tell—but there was no question Forrest had made an excellent first impression.
“Are you a magician?”
Forrest offered a blank stare in response before he let out a laugh and asked, “What?”
“Are you a magician?” I repeated.
He shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of.”
Standing on one leg, leaning on my crutches, I narrowed my eyes on him. Forrest stood at the door to my suite, unmoving, as I assessed him. My mind tried to come up with an explanation, but I struggled.
Luckily, Forrest wasn’t having so much trouble. He tipped his head to the side, allowed his eyes to roam over my face, and asked, “Is there something that would make you think I’m a magician?”
I shrugged. “Well, it’s just that you said you were going to bring breakfast over here for me, and you’ve come empty-handed. I just thought that perhaps you were going to wave a magic wand and a feast would appear.”
Chuckling, Forrest stepped forward and closed the door behind him. “Can you imagine how easy life would be if we could do that?”
I thought about it for a moment. “I get the appeal. It certainly would help in some cases, but the truth is, I think it’d get boring. Everyone would just become lazy, and nobody would ever want to do anything.”
He lifted a brow. “You mean to tell me if you had that capability, you wouldn’t use it for anything.”
Narrowing my eyes once again, I considered it. That’s when it hit me. “Dishes. Now that I know how to do it, I really enjoy cooking, but I despise the dishes.”
Forrest grinned at me. “Good to know. And to ease your curiosity about breakfast, I did a bit of thinking after we got off the phone.”
He nodded. “Yeah. I think, considering how rough your night was, I really do need to make a valiant effort to make things up to you. So, I changed my mind. I’d like to take you out for breakfast this morning.”
This was wrong.
This man was doing all the right things, and I was powerless to resist.
No wonder I was having dreams about him. He seemed to know exactly what to do to leave a lasting impression.
“You want to take me out?”
“I do. I think it’s the least I can do, considering the circumstances,” he joked, his lips twitching.
Ever since I first saw his face, I thought Forrest was an attractive guy. But when he was amused and laughing or smiling, it took him to another level. I had a feeling it wouldn’t matter what he asked me to do if he was asking while he appeared to be as happy as he was now.
At this point, I wasn’t in a position to turn him down. Besides, he felt compelled to make this whole thing up to me, so who was I to argue? “Okay. I’d love to go out for breakfast.”
“Do you have to do anything to get yourself ready? How can I help you?” Forrest questioned me, immediately transforming into the problem solver I was quickly learning he was.
I glanced down at my clothes for a moment. When I returned my attention to him, I said, “I’m dressed and ready. I just need to get my sneakers on.”
“Is that going to be a problem with your foot?”
Shaking my head, I explained, “Nope. Well, it’s not perfect yet, but the swelling has gone down considerably since yesterday. I think I’ll be able to not only put my sneaker on, but I should be able to tie it, too.”