Page 35 of Caution
Well, that was a whole other story.
Part of me had been convinced she was just teasing me when she mentioned the dream she’d been having. I could have been happy with just that playfulness. The fact she ultimately shared the details had surprised me.
And it seemed she wasn’t done giving me the surprises yesterday.
While I was aware of the easy nature between us and couldn’t miss some of the looks or flirtation happening, I didn’t expect her to beg me to kiss her last night.
Of all that she’d given me since I met her, that had been the best.
It was so good that it felt as though dinner had taken forever to prepare. All I wanted to do was get back on the couch with her and continue kissing her, because the way she whimpered was something I desperately needed to hear again.
Fortunately, I’d gotten the chance to experience that several times after dinner. We’d put on a movie, but we spent more time kissing each other than actually watching it.
And not long after the movie was over, Daisy had indicated she was ready to head back to her suite at the hotel. As much as I had wanted her to stay and spend the night with me, I wasn’t going to force her. Taking it slow seemed to be paying off.
So, I saw her safely back to her room and kissed her goodnight at the door.
Now, I was here, ready to spend another day with her. And though I hoped there would be far more kissing happening as our day progressed, I found that wasn’t all I wanted.
I was eager to learn more about Daisy.
I’d gotten bits and pieces of her over the last few days, but I didn’t feel like I knew enough about her. In fact, it felt like she knew a whole lot more about me than I knew about her, and I hoped that during our drive out to Westwood’s today or when we were having meals together, I’d be able to accomplish that.
Because I liked her enough to want more of than I’d already gotten.
I stepped off the elevator on her floor and made my way to her room. Less than a minute later, she was standing in front of me, smiling brightly, and there was one thing I couldn’t ignore.
“You’re walking without the crutches,” I noted.
She clasped her hands excitedly in front of her body and nodded her head. “I know. I got up this morning and slowly started to put some weight on my foot. I don’t have any of the pain lingering, and there’s absolutely no swelling left. I think the constant care you’ve shown me has helped tremendously.”
“I’m so glad you’re able to walk again. Do you want to take the crutches with you today, just in case?” I asked.
In a move that could only be described as adorable, Daisy tipped her head to the side and tapped on her chin as she considered her answer to my question. “Nah, I don’t think so. I’m feeling pretty good, and like I’ve said before, I’ve got a high tolerance for pain. I should be okay.”
“I hate that you’re looking at it that way, but if you think you’re going to be okay, we’ll leave the crutches here. Are you all set to go?”
Daisy was just one notch shy of jumping up and down with excitement when she answered, “I’ve been ready for at least the last fifteen minutes.”
The woman’s joy was infectious. It felt so good to know she was this eager for the day we had planned together. While I was sure it had to do with the fact that she’d never been to Westwood’s before, I secretly hoped there was at least a small part of her looking forward to spending the day with me.
“Then I guess there’s only one thing left to do before we head out,” I declared.
Her brows pulled together, curiosity washing over her expression. “What do we have to do? I thought we were going to grab some bagels on the way.”
Grinning, I stepped closer, slipped an arm around her waist, and tugged her close. “We are going to grab breakfast as soon as we leave here. But I was thinking I’d like a kiss this morning.”
That was the only response Daisy offered, but I didn’t mind, because she tipped her chin up and pressed her lips to mine.
It had only been a matter of hours since I’d last kissed her, and it had been entirely too long.
Daisy’s kisses were soft yet ardent, much like her personality. They were perfect and had the power to bring me to my knees. As much as I didn’t want to stop us, I knew I’d be in for a world of hurt if I didn’t make the effort to separate my mouth from hers.
When I did, I allowed my eyes to roam over every delicate feature on her face. My lips twitched. “You’re unbelievable.” I loosened my hold, took her by the hand and said, “Let’s go.”