Page 53 of Caution
“The day we went to Westwood’s, you told me you were scared,” I started, wanting to ease her curiosity. “I was just wondering what happened between then and even this morning, let alone tonight. I hadn’t expected you wanting one of us to pack a bag, so we could spend the night together.”
Her eyes darted all over, and I felt her body grow tense. “Are you upset by it?”
“Sunshine, do I look like I’m the least bit upset by it?”
She shook her head.
“I am happy about what happened between us. I just wanted to know if there was a reason for the change from yesterday morning that brought you to this point,” I explained.
Daisy relaxed slightly, her body softening against mine as she gave me a slight nod. “You’re the first person who’s ever been this way with me.”
My brows pulled together. “What way?”
She dropped her gaze to my chest and took a slow, deep breath. “Kind and compassionate.”
Lifting my hand to the side of her head, I pushed the hair back away from her face. “Look at me, Daisy.” She returned her attention to me. “Nobody has ever been kind to you.”
“Not like you have. I told you that it feels good to be around you and that I had thoughts about doing more than just kissing you. It scared me not just because it feels very fast but also because I was worried how I’d feel once this trip was over. I still worry about that.”
Maybe this was the perfect opportunity for me to sort out the revelations I’d had earlier tonight with her.
“How do you think you’ll feel once this trip is over?” I asked.
She tipped her head to the side, pressing it into my palm as she closed her eyes and sucked in another breath. After releasing that breath, she opened her eyes and confessed, “There are things I want in my life that I might not ever get the chance to have. To some degree, I’ve come to terms with that possibility, even if I don’t allow it to completely dissuade me from going after what I want. I’m a bit more cautious these days than I used to be, which is something that’s taking me some time to figure out. And when it came to you, I was stuck between knowing what I wanted to do and what was smart to do.”
“There’s a difference?”
Daisy nodded and replied quietly, “Yes, Forrest, there’s a big difference.”
It remained to be seen whether Daisy did what she wanted to do or what she believed was smart. I wasn’t sure which I would have preferred. “What’s the difference?”
“What I wanted to do was what I did,” she revealed, giving me my answer. “What would have been smart to do is maybe just maintaining a friendly relationship for the remainder of the trip.”
While I liked knowing that Daisy did what she wanted to do—something I had wanted as well—I didn’t know how to feel about the fact she didn’t believe it was a smart thing to do. Then again, I couldn’t say I didn’t understand her reasoning behind that. It was part of what I was having to try to deal with, too.
Where would we wind up after we went our separate ways? Were we supposed to just forget that the other person existed? Would this trip just be some secret we had between us that nobody else would ever know about? Or could there be something more? Could we find a way to stay in touch beyond this trip?
“Do you regret not doing the smart thing?” I asked, wanting to be sure she wasn’t feeling any remorse for having done what we’d done.
“No. No, in fact, I knew if I didn’t do this with you, if I didn’t give myself the chance to be with you like we were tonight, I would have regretted that for the rest of my life.”
That was a relief. “And how do you feel now? Where do you stand moving forward?” I questioned her.
Daisy took a moment to consider the answers to my questions, doing that while dropping her cheek back to my chest. I gave her the time she needed, noting the way she angled her face, so her nose was closer to my skin. I listened as she inhaled the scent of me and couldn’t ignore the way her fingers pressed in a little deeper on the skin of my torso.
“If I could have my way, you and I would stay on this trip together indefinitely,” she began, sending another wave of relief through me. “But I know that’s unrealistic, so I’m really just hoping we can take advantage of the days we have left together. I’d like to continue doing what we’ve been doing, if that sounds like something you’d want, too.”
There was not a single question in my mind that I’d do exactly what Daisy wanted, because I wanted it just as badly as she did. Plus, there was no way I could have denied her, anyway. I wanted her to have everything her heart desired, even if I’d only be able to give her that for just a few more days.
“Usually, when I go on vacation, I allow for just enough time to decompress from work and recharge my body. I typically find that by the time I reach the end of my stay, I’m ready to go home. Eager for it, in fact. I don’t think I’m going to feel that way when this trip ends, so I’d love nothing more than for us to continue doing what we’ve been doing, Daisy. And I hope we can do that and give ourselves something special to take home with each other.”
Lifting her cheek from my chest once again, Daisy smiled at me. “You’ve already done that for me, Forrest, but I’m certainly happy to have more to take when I go.”
Capturing her face in my hands, I lifted my head from the pillow and brought my mouth to hers. “Maybe I should do something about that now, then.”
Her body shook with the shiver that ran down her spine.
Smiling against her lips, I said, “It looks like somebody is excited about that. How would you react if I said we should play for a bit before just diving in?”