Page 85 of Caution
I didn’t mind it in the least when Vivian and Daisy carried their conversation onto much lighter topics that had the both of them laughing and having a good time.
Best of all, when I told Daisy I’d like for her to join me for dinner at my parents’ house this upcoming weekend, she didn’t hesitate to jump at the chance.
“Enjoy your breakfast, and thanks for stopping in. It was so good to see you.”
I smiled at Tarryn. “You, too. We’ll come up to say goodbye before we go, if you aren’t too busy.”
She returned the smile. “You can come up, even if I am busy.”
After giving her a nod, Forrest and I walked away from the front counter at The Early Bird, where we’d decided to have breakfast this morning, and toward a table at the front of the shop.
Having heard about Tarryn’s coffee and doughnut shop from him while we were away at the ski resort together, I’d have been lying if I said I hadn’t been wondering if and when he’d bring me here to try it out.
Today was that day, and I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth in. I’d practically started salivating the moment we stepped through the front door.
Once we were seated and each had a doughnut in front of us, Forrest said, “You take the first bite, and let me know what you think.”
He wasn’t going to have to ask me twice. Barely giving him a chance to finish his command, I lifted the sweet treat to my mouth and bit down. It was impossible not to moan at just how delicious it was.
Mouth still full, I said, “Oh my God. That’s so good.”
Forrest broke out into a fit of laughter. “I had a feeling you were going to like it.”
I swallowed that bite, took another, chewed, and swallowed. Then I said, “I thought the highlight of my day was going to be getting out of the house for a little bit, but I was wrong. This is… this is incredible.”
I quickly took another bite.
“I’m glad you like it. And I’m sorry you feel like you’ve been stuck inside for too long,” Forrest lamented.
I shook my head. “It’s okay. Honestly, I can’t say that I haven’t enjoyed being inside. In fact, it’s helped tremendously with the nostalgia.”
He tipped his head to the side. “How so?”
After swallowing another delicious bite, I explained, “I lived for six whole weeks without you in my life, Forrest. Throughout those six weeks, I longed for things to go back to the way they were. I missed you so much. So, the truth is, being with you now kind of feels like we’re back in that cabin at the ski resort. And beyond that, it’s not like you haven’t made my time indoors enjoyable.”
His lips twitched. “At least there’s that, right?”
“Are you kidding me? That’s everything.”
Forrest reached out to cover my free hand with his. “I’m glad you feel that way, because I’ve loved having you here, and I’m glad I get to wake up to you every morning again. It’s been nice.”
It had been nice.
There wasn’t anything else I could have wanted in my life. Well, other than not to have an active threat against my life.
Forrest’s words were simple, but they spoke to how things had grown between us. We’d fallen into a routine, waking up wrapped in one another’s arms and being able to spend every day together. We ate, we laughed, and we talked.
Of course, there was my whole situation that sometimes pulled him away from me, so he could take a phone call from someone on his team or from the police department.
But on the whole, it had been wonderful being back in this little bubble with him. Unfortunately, I also knew it wouldn’t last forever.
Forrest had to work.
So, once my situation was dealt with, and he no longer had this overwhelming need to make sure I never went anywhere alone without him, we’d have something else to deal with.