Page 18 of Ruthless King
“Well, then, I guess this is goodnight.” His response was cool, but his eyes blazed with something indecipherable that made the hairs on the back of my neck rise.
Quickly breaking eye contact, I couldn’t afford to feel guilty about how the evening turned out. I was too old to play this game of walking on eggshells to avoid hurt feelings. Giving Julia a quick kiss on the cheek, I grabbed my coat, said my goodbyes, and headed out the door.
Chapter 14
Although the walk back to the Bluebird was only a few blocks, it gave me some time to settle my thoughts. Tonight was supposed to be a celebration of my getting back to the stage after weeks away. Everything started out beautifully until he made an appearance. I didn’t even feel bad for not hearing him out. After the confrontation in his New York office, there wasn’t anything he could say that would absolve him of his assholery. Since the cafe closed hours ago, I made my way toward the back alley where the stairs were located.
Stone Creek was a fairly safe town with a minuscule crime rate, but I was still apprehensive every time I came home late and had to enter through the back alley, and tonight wasn’t any different. Digging my keys out of my coat pocket, I quickly padded up the stairs. My footfalls became heavier as I got closer to the top, and the silence of the night was deafening. Something didn’t feel right.
When I reached the top floor where my room was located, I discovered what was off and froze at the sight before me. There, propped up and passed out against my door, sat Courtland. His head rested on the door frame, and his muscular legs were sprawled in front of him. At first, I thought he had fallen asleep, but when I glimpsed the half-empty bottle of Macallan, I knew. He was passed out drunk at my door. He must have grabbed the bottle from behind the bar on his way out. It was after midnight, and I didn’t want to bother his brothers, even though Ben was most likely still at the hotel. He had helped enough tonight, and he and Julia deserved to have the rest of the night drama-free. Bending in front of this gorgeous man, who captured my heart in just a few weeks before trampling it to shreds, I poked a finger in his chest.
A groan came from deep inside him, and as I leaned in closer to his face, he snatched my wrist and tugged, pulling me down until I was lying across his lap. His eyes remained closed, but his mouth started moving. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Molly.” His voice sounded strained, and before I could respond, he continued, emotion spilling out with the tears falling down his cheeks. “I tried my best. Please forgive me.” He sobbed into my neck, and my heart broke for his grief.
I didn’t understand what he was saying as he continued to hold me against his muscular frame. Breathing in his masculine scent, everything around us seemed to disappear. We were alone, but at that moment, I had never felt more exposed.
My mind started racing. I needed to take control of this situation. “Courtland.” My voice was stern, and he blinked his eyes open, trying to meet my gaze.
“Is that you, Buttercup?” His eyes closed against the harsh light of the hallway. As mad as I was, the sexy rasp of his voice set my core on fire. The heat between my legs felt like a raging inferno unable to be extinguished. “Okay, big boy, let’s get you inside.” Using all my strength, I wrestled out of his grip and straddled him. Placing my hands under both arms, I pulled with all my might until he was upright and leaning against my body. Thank God I was in shape. My muscles would be screaming tomorrow, but thanks to the Krav Maga classes, my endurance was impeccable.
While I steadied his frame with one arm, I slid my key into the keyhole and pushed the door open with the other. Half walking, half dragging him across the threshold, we made it into the living room. Pushing him onto the sofa, I turned to make my way into the kitchen. A pot of strong coffee would be just what this situation called for. He reached for me, but I was quicker, waving his arm away. “Courtland, just lie here. I’ll be right back.” His eyes closed again, and he fell back against the plush velvet of the cushions.
A few minutes later, I came back with two steaming mugs of black coffee and placed them on the table in front of the sofa. He was snoring lightly when I sat down beside him. “Courtland.” I had work the next morning, and I needed him gone as soon as possible. I have no idea why he showed up at my door, but I intended to find out. This game of hot and cold needed to stop, but he had pulled me into his orbit, and I wasn’t sure I would ever get back to Earth again.
I sat watching him sleep, wanting him gone but not wanting to disturb him. This god of a man, who the Creator most likely broke the mold after forming, had stormed into my life and taken my heart hostage. His strong hands were splayed across his chest. His hair was disheveled, making him appear younger than his thirty-eight years. His face held a peaceful expression, one I’m not sure I’ve noticed before tonight. When it became apparent he was down for the count, I pulled the knitted blanket from the back of the sofa, removed his shoes, and covered his spectacular body before padding off to my room, locking the door behind me. I didn’t need anything disrupting my resolve, especially Courtland King and his god-like body.
I’m not sure how long I had been asleep when I heard it. The shrill sound of glass breaking followed by a string of loud curses. Rushing into the living room, I stopped short of the sofa, my breaths coming in shallow gasps. The dim streetlight shining through the half-drawn curtains revealed Courtland on his knees with his face in his hands, groaning softly. The empty mug lay shattered on the floor beside him. Creeping across to where he sat, I lowered myself and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, hoping not to startle him. My breathing was finally evening out, and when he looked at me, the world stopped turning. I had never seen such sadness in another person’s eyes. Not even in my own when Michael died. His dark blue irises were bathed in unshed tears.
“Molly.” His voice felt like a thousand apologies. I stopped him with a finger to his full lips.
“Courtland, it’s okay. You don’t need to say anything.” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have this conversation now when it was a given he wouldn’t remember it in the morning. But his eyes settled on mine as he pulled me up and onto the sofa with him.
“No, now.” He stated, conviction coloring his voice. “I owe you an apology for the way I left town last time. You didn’t deserve how I handled things, and for that, I’m truly sorry. Do you think you could forgive me? Maybe we could try again?” His eyes were pleading, and his mouth turned up into a sad smile.
I’m not sure why his words stunned me. He was giving me the apology I had demanded, but somehow it didn’t feel right. I could forgive him for the way he left, but that didn’t settle my feelings regarding why he felt he had to leave in the first place. Uncertainty clouded my vision, but instead of being honest with him, I nodded my head and betrayed myself.
He pulled me into a hug, and I felt my body relax into him. We sat there for a long while before he brushed a wayward strand of blonde hair away from my face and cupped my cheek with a firm hand. Pulling back, we held each other’s gaze before his lips grazed mine in a tender tease.
This one wasn’t wild and feral like our kisses before. This was a chaste kiss filled with something I couldn’t quite name. My eyes had closed on their own accord, but now, as I opened them, I noticed his were still closed. When he finally opened his eyes, I saw want planted there. Before I could ask any more questions or beg him to stay, he broke the silence, clearing his throat. “Well, I guess I need to go since you have work tomorrow, or I guess today.” He chuckled as he glanced at the clock. I didn’t argue the point that he needed to go home, but I did call him a car since he was still in no condition to drive. He could pick up his car tomorrow. I waited with him in front of the building until he was tucked safely into the backseat and watched as it pulled off into the night.
Chapter 15
Who the fuck’s idea was it to meet for breakfast at the butt crack of dawn, and why had I agreed to it? It wasn’t that I’m not a morning person. I was usually at the office before eight, but this hangover was kicking my ass.
What was I thinking, showing up unannounced and uninvited at the hotel, obviously ruining her night? I didn’t remember much about the last six hours, but I knew I was passed out drunk when she came home. At least she came home alone and didn’t bring that fucker, Morgan, with her. I wanted to pummel his face when I saw her with him last night. But she isn’t with me, and by the way I’m handling things, she very well may never be.
I steeled myself and opened the bright blue door. “Well, look what the cat dragged in?” My brothers were seated around a large booth when I sauntered into the Bluebird. Knight couldn’t help himself. “You look like literal shit, man.”
After shooting him the middle finger, I settled into the booth with them. Ben was quiet, already knowing what went down last night. At least at the hotel, anyway.
Jackson was next to poke the bear. “Courtland, what the hell, man? How much did you drink last night?”
“Bite me.” It was an immature comeback, but come on, leave me the hell alone.
Their laughter caught the attention of the entire café, and I leveled all three with a death glare, but before I could stage a comeback, I noticed motion out of the corner of my eye.