Page 29 of Ruthless King
“No, the bastard got away. Is she hurt?” Drifting in and out of consciousness, I couldn’t make out everything they were saying, but within the hushed tones, I heard the word hospital. My head snapped up at that.
“No, no hospital. Please.” My words were a desperate plea when I met my friend’s eyes. Her expression held sympathy, but I could tell she was conflicted.
“Molly, sweetie, we need to make sure you’re okay.”
“Julia, please just take me home.” I guess she could sense the finality in my voice because her gaze left mine and settled on the man crouching next to us with murder in his eyes.
“Okay.” Her reply was weak as she wrapped the jacket tighter around my shoulders and helped me to my feet. In mere seconds, I was being placed in the back of Ben’s Tesla, my friend sliding in behind me.
Julia sat in the backseat while I laid my head on her shoulder and quietly wept as she rubbed soothing circles over my back. The warmth of her skin against mine brought solace to my weary soul. The sky had opened up, and the raindrops hitting the windshield beat in time to the thumping rhythm of my battered heart. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Silence filled the car as we made our way back to the apartment. Ben stood behind us as Julia reached to unlock the door, ushering me into the living room. I sat, unmoving, on the couch while Julia made tea, and Ben excused himself to the hallway to make a call.
Pocketing his phone as he came back inside, I looked up and tried to read his expression. He took a seat next to me, his eyes smoldering with checked rage. “Molly, I’m so sorry this happened. Don and I, shit, we’ve been friends for years. I never thought he’d…” His voice trailed off, and he raked his hands through his blond waves, agitation engraved on every line of his face.
I gave him a weak smile. “Ben, you didn’t know. Please don’t beat yourself up. By the time I realized who he was, it was too late. I met him six months ago at an annual Juilliard event. Apparently, he and your brother have some unpleasant history. Courtland saved my reputation that night, and Donovan was looking for payback.”
He released a breath and turned to Julia. “I need to go. Will you two be okay here tonight?”
Julia glanced at me for confirmation before nodding and walked him to the door. She returned to my side. “Is there anything you need? More tea?” Her expression softened when she squeezed my hand and waited for my reply.
Shaking my head, I held back the sob that was begging to escape. “No, thank you. I’d really like to take a shower if that’s okay.” She led me into the en suite, gathering the things I might need, and quietly closed the door behind her.
As I stood under the pulsing jets of the showerhead, my body went numb. I had become a master at blocking out the bad when it suited me, and this was no different. My therapist taught me that in order to heal, I needed to be present and deal with my baggage head-on. I had done that with Michael’s death and other casualties in my life, and I could do it again. Tonight wouldn’t define me. I had nothing to be ashamed of.
Rational thoughts aside, my body wanted to give in to what my heart was offering. My head throbbed from his fist, and I felt dirty as I reached for the washcloth Julia had left on the edge of the tub. I must have lost track of time because the next thing I knew, the water was off, and Julia was covering me with a fluffy, warm towel and whispering soft words of comfort in my ear. I was crumbled on the floor of the shower and my chest was scarlet where I had scrubbed until it was abraded. She gently eased me into an upright position and carefully walked me to the bed, offering me a T-shirt. After applying ointment to my frayed skin, she kissed my head and left me to myself.
Before my eyes fully closed, I heard her voice again. Julia was speaking in hushed tones to someone on the phone. I could only make out a few words, and my heart skipped a beat when I heard her mention his name. I wanted to go ask her about it, but my vision was diminishing, and my limbs ached. Before long, I was drifting off to visions of navy eyes and strong arms.
Chapter 22
What do you mean she was attacked?” My voice was granite. Ben had assured me he’d watch out for her when she came into the city. Hell, that’s the main reason he came to Manhattan this weekend.
“Relax, Courtland, she’s safe at Julia’s for tonight.”
I scraped a hand across my face and gripped the back of my neck. “What the fuck, man? What happened?”
My brother stared at me from his seat at the table. “Look, it was Donovan.”
“Aw fuck, Ben.”
“Yeah, it seems you two don’t have a very amicable relationship, and he wanted to take it out on Molly.” I shot to my feet, both hands clenched at my sides and headed toward the door.
“Where are you going at this God-forsaken hour of the night?”
I leveled a death glare. “If you think I’m just going to sit here and do nothing while the woman I love is hurting, then you’re dumber than you look.” That earned me a smirk and him a scowl.
“Courtland, there’s nothing you can do tonight. Besides, you don’t even know if she wants to see you, and it might make matters worse.” He was right. I hadn’t talked to Molly since I left that night. Although I had been keeping tabs on her through the private investigator I hired, I hadn’t heard her voice or seen her face.
“Fine, I’ll wait, but I’m going in the morning, and you and no army are going to stop me.”
I could hear the desperation in his voice. “Listen, I know you love her, and you want to kill that bastard, but this isn’t the way. Let me clear it with Julia, and I’ll let you know first thing tomorrow.” He stood and brought me into a brotherly hug before walking out the door.
Standing in front of the door, my nerves were shot. I didn’t sleep at all after Ben told me what had happened to Buttercup. The anticipation of seeing her after all this time was overwhelming. When I raised my hand to knock, the door opened, and Julia stood blinking wildly. “Hey.” That was all my tired voice could muster.
“Hi. Thanks for coming, Courtland. Before I take you back, I need to prepare you.” Her words shot arrows through my heart. Prepare me for what?