Page 35 of Ruthless King
“What can I say? I’ve always had my ways.” We both laughed at that memory. It was just before my eighteenth birthday, just before…
“What I’m trying to say is you don’t give up when you want something. You don’t stop until it’s yours. Whether it’s a mangy canine or cash for games, you are single-minded and unstoppable. It’s one of the many things I admire about you.”
“Okay, okay, let’s dispense with the suck-ups.” Although we both laughed at my comment, we also knew it to be true. I always had a way of getting people to do what I wanted, and it has served me well in the business world. I’ve manipulated others by having an edge over them, and the power I exuded kept me at the top of my game. “Well, brother, that may be true, but we’re not talking about an acquisition, a merger, or, for that matter, a hostile takeover.” However, what I’m planning may come close to the latter.
“Hey, I get it. Just make sure you don’t fuck this up.” My brother hit the nail on the head. If only he knew how badly I had fucked up. He probably would kick my ass right now instead of helping me. “I like Molly, and she’s doing a damn good job when she’s here. Jackson told me a little about your plans for the Halloween Festival. Just let me know what you need, and I’ll make it happen.”
When I glanced at my watch, I noticed it was eleven-forty. “Thanks, man, I appreciate it. We’ll name our firstborn after you. Hey, I’ve got to go. Meeting baby mama in twenty.”
Ben’s eyes widened before he caught the mischief in mine. “Very funny, Courtland. Let’s help you get the girl back before you start making babies in your mind.” I grabbed my twin in a bear hug and strolled out of the hotel, still wearing that ridiculous grin.
I walked through the door of Jack’s at twelve sharp, shaking my hair off my face. It had gotten longer than I usually wore it, but I’d been spending so much time in Stone Creek I hadn’t had time to find a new stylist. My eyes scanned the room until she came into view. Her blonde hair was piled on her head in a sexy, messy bun that made her look hot as hell. Her emerald eyes shone with something I couldn’t name. She was wearing a cute little cardigan over a crimson sundress and ankle boots. Her smile widened as soon as she spotted me.
I paused when I approached the table, taking in her presence. She was heaven to my hell, light to my dark, life to my death. When I finally broke the silence, my voice was only a whisper. “Buttercup, you look beautiful.” She smiled and blushed the way she always did when I complimented her beauty, and I wished she were more confident in her skin.
“Thank you, Courtland.” I took the seat next to her, never breaking eye contact. “Thank you for meeting me today.” Her voice shook, and I could tell she was having trouble keeping her composure. I was prepared to listen to whatever she needed to say. This was about her, not me. I needed to keep that in mind, so I just smiled and nodded, reaching across and laying my hand on hers. I took it in a tender clasp.
“I’ve spent the last four months trying to sort out my feelings about my past. When you told me about your knowledge of Michael and me that day, I felt betrayed. It wasn’t so much that I blamed you, but I was jealous that you had his last memory. While I was laying flat on my face, unable to help myself, you risked your life, and I faded into nothingness.”
“Oh, Buttercup, if I could go back in time and change the outcome, believe me, I would move heaven and earth to avoid this tragedy and save you this heartache.” She squeezed my hand, reassuring me she understood.
“Courtland, I was wrong to blame you for any of that. I’ve learned over the years that fate makes choices for us we cannot make for ourselves. The universe had bigger things in store for me, and Michael’s death may have been the catalyst that started that falling domino.”
Her sweet face turned contemplative, and I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear. “Baby, I’m so sorry for not telling you the truth as soon as Knight told me about Michael. I thought I was protecting your heart when, in reality, I smashed it. Can you ever forgive me?” She blinked up at me with eyes filled with unshed tears, and when she smiled, I was destroyed.
When she spoke, it was with the voice of an angel. “Courtland, I’ve spent the last twenty years second-guessing that day, asking myself why it happened, why my brother was taken from me. I wanted to blame everyone and everything, but I know now that no one, not you, not me, was to blame. In answer to your question, yes, I forgive you, but I’m asking for time, Courtland.”
As much as I wanted to scoop her up and take her away from this pain forever, I knew that wasn’t the answer. Shit had happened, and there was no avoiding it. There were no fast-forward buttons to skip through the hurt. Swallowing against the boulder in my throat, I gave her my most honest response. “Buttercup, take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” My voice cracked at that promise. At my declaration, she looked down, and a few errant tears fell from her cheeks onto the tablecloth.
When she met my gaze, a small smile crept across her face, and as she wiped at the tears, I choked back my own emotion. Before I could say anything else, we were interrupted by the server who had walked over to take our orders. We settled on the lunch special and iced tea. After our food was dropped off and we were alone again, I took her hand, lifted it to my mouth, and dropped light kisses across her knuckles before releasing it.
We kept the conversation light, steering clear of any emotional triggers. I told her about King Enterprises’ recent acquisition, and she brought me up to speed on the new releases Music City had added to its inventory. She gave me the rundown on her schedule for the next three weeks at The Lux.
Taking a deep breath, I broached the next subject. “I guess you’ve heard about the Halloween Festival.”
Her big green eyes widened, and her cute dimple was revealed when she smiled. “Yes, Lucy and I went shopping, and she was determined to find the perfect outfit. I have a feeling she’ll be dressed to impress.” She laughed, and I cocked my head in confused admiration.
Her eyes narrowed on mine. “Oh, come on, Courtland, don’t tell me I’m the only one who’s noticed it.”
“Noticed what?” My question was genuine. I had no clue what she was talking about.
“Lucy and Jackson. The sparks between them could set the Atlantic Ocean on fire.”
Now my eyes bugged out. “What? You’re kidding. They hate each other.”
“There’s a fine line between love and hate, or in this case, lust and hate.” Her eyes twinkled with delight. She was serious. “Just think back to the few times they’ve interacted. You didn’t catch the fire brewing between them like a violent storm waiting to crash onto the shore.”
My lips turned up at her description. “Now that you mention it, I have noticed something different about Jack. I mean, he deserves to be happy; his divorce wasn’t exactly amicable.”
“I’ve tried to talk to Lucy about it, but apparently, she’s in denial. I’ve never been a matchmaker, but maybe all they need is a gentle nudge in the right direction.”
I could see the mischief dancing in her emerald irises. “No, Buttercup, I think we need to stay out of this one.” I’d hoped my serious tone would halt whatever hair-brained scheme she was trying to cook up.
“I guess you’re right. They’re adults. They can sort their own shit out. If your brother can’t see how awesome my friend is, well, then it’s his loss.” She was trying to be serious, but her giggle gave her away. I loved it when she laughed, and I could get lost in it forever.
“Anyway, I’d like to ask you a question.” Reaching up, I tucked a wayward strand of blonde hair behind her ear, and she leaned into my hand. The warmth of her skin on mine sent a shockwave straight to my dick. I cleared my throat as anxiety crept up my spine. What if she said no? Only one way to find out. Taking a cleansing breath and exhaling slowly, I turned my eyes toward hers. “Molly Steel, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the Stone Creek Halloween Festival?” There, I’d put it out there for her to do with it what she would.
She looked at me with sparkling eyes and a soft expression before answering. Those few precious seconds seemed to drag on forever. “Courtland King, I would be honored to accompany you to the Stone Creek Halloween Festival.”