Page 38 of Ruthless King
“Hello, Buttercup.” His dark eyes twinkled and crinkles appeared in the corner. He was actually smiling as his eyes roamed my body, and that delicious sliver of electricity tore through me like lightning. “Coffee?” He indicated the pot on the table.
“Sure, I have a few minutes before work.” Taking a seat next to this sexy god, I controlled my body language. It was too early for that.
“That brother of mine has some nerve making you work today.”
The irritation in his voice gave me pause. I looked at him like he’d grown two heads. “Courtland, what are you talking about?”
“Tonight. You need time to get ready.” I didn’t know if he was joking or if he’d hit his head in the night.
“I know tonight’s a big night for the town, but it’s not like I have a starring role in the festival.” Tess and I had corralled Julia and Lucy to join us, so the four of us would ride the Music City float in the parade, but the real showstopper would be the Bluebird’s. He shook his head, not convinced of my declaration.
I twisted a napkin between my fingers, and we drank our coffee in awkward silence before I had to leave. “Thanks for the coffee, Courtland, but I guess I need to get going.”
He placed his hand over mine, keeping me in place. “I’m sorry, Molly. It’s just sometimes I think Knight works you too hard. I don’t want him taking advantage.”
I bit back my words. Ignoring the asinine comment, I switched topics. “What time should I be ready tonight?”
When he looked at me, his expression softened, and his midnight eyes danced in the light. “The festival begins at eight, so I can pick you up around seven forty-five. Will that work?”
“Perfect, I’ll be ready.” With that, I leaned over, placed a quick kiss on his cheek with a dramatic smack, and sashayed out the door, putting a little more swing in my step.
By the time noon arrived, I was starving. Music City would close early tonight for the festivities, but Knight insisted we take a lunch break, so Tess and I unpacked our meager brown bags and sat in the break room, ready to inhale some gourmet PB&Js. I had just popped the top on my Dr. Pepper and lifted it to my mouth when she not so subtly announced, “So, Molly. You and Courtland? Are you two back doing the nasty?”
I choked and sputtered as I rolled my eyes at my friend and co-worker. “Geez, why don’t you just come on out with it?” As long as I’ve known Tess, she’s never been one to mince her words.
“What? We’re all curious.” She shrugged innocently.
All meant her, Lucy, and Julia, although Julia knew more about my current relationship status than the others. So I spent the next fifty-three minutes briefing her on all things Courtland. I explained how he somehow knew about Michael and didn’t tell me the truth. How I wasn’t sure I could forgive him for the betrayal. How I wanted to strangle him one minute and ride his cock to infinity and beyond the next. Is it hot in here or what?
When I finished my spiel, it was time to clock back in. I was emotionally exhausted and sexually frustrated. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. We were busier than we’d been in a while, but I still caught Tess snickering whenever I glanced her way. Motherfucker.
It was four-thirty when I headed home to get ready for tonight. I had spent all day pondering my choice of couture for the evening. It would be a toss-up, a blind grab. Maybe I’d eeny, meany, miny, moe it. Laughing to myself, I unlocked the door, kicked off my shoes, and quickly worked to shed my clothes. Hopping on one foot while shimmying out of my jeans and walking toward my bedroom, I reached for the buttons on my shirt before stopping in my tracks. What the hell?
There, lying on my bed, was a pink garment bag with a canary yellow sticky note attached to it. Simple block print that read Wear me. Smiling, I bent down and cautiously fingered the zipper before lowering it. My eyes wandered to the soft crimson fabric encased in the bag. Pushing the plastic away from the dress, I held it up and admired the shimmering silk that was stitched with iridescent pearls around a sweetheart neckline. Standing there, I realized it would hit just above the knee, and there was a slit on the right side, and my heart rate kicked up a notch.
Twirling around with the dress held in front of me, I felt like a princess who had been gifted a beautiful gown by her fairy godmother, or in this case, fairy godfather. I spun around a few times before my eyes landed on a white box beside the bag. How I’d missed it before, I was not sure. Placing the dress carefully on the bag, I sat on the bed and opened the box. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped my mouth when I saw what was in the box.
A pair of Louboutin heels in black patent leather peeked out from beneath delicately folded tissue paper, mocking me. I started saving for a pair but got sidetracked when an unexpected obligation popped up last fall. I couldn’t take my eyes off them, and I could feel moisture pooling around my lady parts. Oh my God, I was turned on by a pair of fucking shoes. I was more pathetic than I first thought.
It felt like Christmas morning, and Santa had hit the mark with my list. Something in my heart stirred at the thought of him. No wonder he kept asking about my dress. The closed-off bastard actually had a heart, and I could feel it beating in mine as I finished undressing and slipped into the shower.
I couldn’t get the smile off my face as I stepped under the spray of water and let it cascade down my body, reaching places I dreamed he was touching. Until now, there had been a shadow hanging over my life like a dark cloud in the distance, just waiting to form a perfect storm. I spent enough time living for something that could never be, blaming myself for something that was beyond my control. It was time to live again.
With one towel wrapped around my body and another piled on my head, I turned to my makeup bag. I skipped my daily glass of wine. I wanted a clear head going into this night.
I decided to wear my hair up tonight but left a few strands down around my face. I had saved the perfect accessories for an occasion just like this one. Walking over to the bureau, I slid the top drawer open and removed the robin’s egg blue box. Inside, perched on a bed of cotton, were the South Sea pearl earrings he sent a few weeks ago. As angry and hurt as I was, I couldn’t bear to part with them, and I’d secretly hoped I could wear them one day. Smiling, I ran my fingers over the exquisite gems, relishing the texture against my skin.
Slipping into the dress and shoes, I stood in front of the mirror, taking in my appearance. At this moment, nothing else mattered. The past was the past, and the future was mine for the taking. Brushing my hands down the sides of the fabric, I admired the slit on the side and wondered if Courtland picked this out himself. Knowing he had a jealous side, I found it hard to believe he’d allow me in public like this.
The slit wasn’t the least of my worries. Apparently, the back, or lack of it, was completely bare down to my ass. I would definitely need a wrap outside. I had just put the finishing touches on my makeup when I heard the familiar jingle—a text from his number.
Courtland: Coming up. Your door better be locked. End of.
I smiled at his words. It seemed like I’d been smiling a lot today. Not wanting a repeat of last night, I waited until he had knocked twice before I spoke.
“Who is it?” I giggled to myself as I waited for his response.
“It’s the big bad wolf…” Before he could finish, I slung the door open so fast he had to step back to keep from getting pummeled.