Page 41 of Ruthless King

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Page 41 of Ruthless King

There, sitting on an easel, was a portrait of Michael. He must have been six or seven when the picture was taken. It was Halloween, and he’d dressed up as a doctor. It was what he dreamed of being when he grew up. He was laughing, and his eyes twinkled with something only he could understand.

Another sob escaped my mouth as tears leaked out of the corner of my eyes. Leaving Courtland’s side for the first time, I walked to the picture. My fingers gently slid over his face and across his mouth, settling on his nose. Although we were fraternal and barely looked related, we shared the same nose. A dusting of freckles adorned his cute button nose, and there was a tiny bump of imperfection on the bridge, just like mine.

Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by his scent; teakwood and spice invaded my senses, and I turned after hearing a throat clear. His warm hand slipped into mine, and his midnight eyes looked longingly at me, searching for something. He reached down with his other hand and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “Buttercup, welcome to your new memories,” he whispered, and it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

I reached him and clung on for dear life. He was my lifeline—my salvation—and I knew beyond a doubt I had forgiven this man. Before I could say anything, he turned to the crowd, and someone whistled to quiet the voices.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight.” His eyes twinkled when he spoke. He commanded the room, just like he did in every area of his life. “I know it’s late, and I appreciate you all sticking it out. Please take your seats so we can begin.”

I was still confused when he ushered me to a seat in the front row, my mom on one side and Lucy on the other. The music stopped, and lights came up on the stage. There were seven chairs arranged in a row with a podium in the center. I watched Courtland take his sexy butt to the front and adjust the microphone.

“I guess some of you are wondering why we’re here tonight. A few months ago, I met this wonderful woman who, for the life of me, I can’t understand, gave me the time of day.” Laughter erupted from the crowd. “Seriously, though. Molly Steel swept into my life like a hurricane-force wind, and I’ve never been so glad to have been blown away.” Ahs and oohs followed. “I could go on all night about how beautiful and considerate she is, but that’s not what we’re here for.

“Molly, life isn’t fair, and sometimes the universe doesn’t play nice with our feelings. But I’m hoping to change your perspective on the universe tonight. I’d like to introduce you all to Michael’s Legacy.” He walked over and placed a kiss on my cheek, and once again, the waterworks turned on at his words. I sat rapt when a young man walked onto the stage.

“Hello, my name is Hunter Wilde. I’m twenty-eight years old. I was born with Cystic Fibrosis and given a grim lifespan. I was hospitalized when I was eight, and my parents were told I would never go home, but because of a selfless gift, I received two healthy lungs, and today, I have a future. I graduated from Baylor University with a Master’s in Biology and will begin at Columbia Medical School next fall. Thank you, Steel family, for your generous gift.”

My shoulders shook uncontrollably from the sobs wracking my body. Lucy tugged me closer to her side as the next person made their way to the front. This time, it was a woman who was carrying a baby on her hip.

“Hello, my name is Lily Douglas. I’m thirty-three years old and was told I wouldn’t live to see twenty-one. I needed a new heart if I wanted to make it to adulthood. When I was thirteen, one became available, but at what cost? Because of this life gift, I am healthy today. I got married and have this beautiful baby boy. I’d like to introduce you to Michael Steel Douglas. Thank you for this ultimate sacrifice and selfless gift.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Oh my God, I couldn’t take anymore. I thought I had cried the tears of a thousand rivers, but with every word, I found more to be spilled. With my face buried in my hands, I gave in to the grief and allowed the emotion to wash over me. Somehow, in the midst of my breakdown, Lucy had left my side to join Ben, and Courtland had replaced her using his strong arms to anchor me in place. I sat back and leaned against his muscled chest as another young man stepped up to the podium.

“Hello, My name is John Dillon. When I was two years old, doctors discovered I was blind. Research with cornea transplants was in the beginning stages and results were conflicting. When my parents were contacted by the Mackinac University Hospital about a potential donor, they were ecstatic. The doctors were optimistic but were only giving the transplant a sixty percent chance of being successful. I’m standing here tonight to tell you the surgery was a one hundred percent success, and I now have a perfect twenty-twenty vision. Because of this gift of sight, I can look into the eyes of my future spouse and children and see the wonder looking back at me. Thank you, Steel family, for this life-changing gift.”

The evening continued as a somber tribute to my brother and the legacy he left for so many grateful individuals. Story after story, each with a name and a face attached, spoke of my family’s generosity. Samantha Long had a new liver. Jared Dingler and Toby Delgado received kidneys and no longer had to live on dialysis. Sybil Jones had a healthy pancreas, thanks to my wonderful brother.

Just when I thought it was over, Courtland squeezed my hand and leaned in for a chaste kiss. Then he was gone. Lucy had reclaimed her seat next to me and was rubbing tiny circles on my back. The lights above the stage dimmed, and everyone’s conversations hushed.

“Ladies and gentlemen, before we go, there’s one more order of business I’d like you to be aware of.” He was speaking to everyone, but his eyes were laser-focused on me. Those dark blues were burning into my soul, and when he turned that panty-melting smile my way, I felt heat like I had never felt before. What I once thought was raw, animalistic lust, I now recognized for what it was. Love.

“I’d like to present to you the Michael B.Steel Memorial Wing.” The curtain dropped, and my hand went to my mouth when a sob escaped it. After my eyes cleared from the new moisture, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. An entire wing of the hospital had been dedicated to my twin brother, and there was a bronze statue of him wearing a white doctor’s coat. All the fear, anger, and remorse suddenly fell away, and I was left with only a sweet peace. Mom was hugging me, and Dad had his arms around both of us when I felt his hand slide across the back of my neck.

My mom was the first to speak. “Courtland, how can we ever repay you for what you’ve done?” She laughed and cried at the same time, and this was the first time in twenty years I didn’t have that stabbing pain of guilt twisting inside me.

“No thanks necessary, but can I borrow Molly for a minute?” He had heat in his eyes, and I knew that look. It was the look I fell asleep dreaming about night after night. The look of love. I didn’t have the words to convey how profoundly grateful I was for this man and how very much I loved him.

“Courtland.” I needed to tell him how I felt, but he cut me off with his lips. Dazed and confused, as I usually found myself after one of his searing kisses, I blinked up at him through drunk eyes. Before I could register what was happening, we were back on the stage, and he was down on one knee in front of God and all our family and friends. He held a Robin’s egg blue box.

“Molly Steel, I’ve never believed in many absolutes in life, but there are a few that I do believe when it comes to you. I absolutely believe you are the only woman for me, and I absolutely believe you are the woman I will love for the rest of my life. Would you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man in the whole damn world?”

My eyes fell on the blue box as he opened it and pulled out the diamond solitaire. “Courtland King, I absolutely will marry you and make you the happiest man in the whole damn world.” Tears cascaded down my cheeks, and I was helpless to stop them, nor did I want to. This was the happiest night of my life.

Then our mouths met, and it was magic. My lips parted so effortlessly, and our tongues danced the sweetest melody as I was hoisted in the air and spun around to the delight of everyone. Cheers, whistles, and applause brought us back to earth.

I was immediately swarmed by the girls wanting to admire my rock, and Courtland’s brothers handed him an open bottle of champagne to celebrate. After a few minutes of relishing the attention, we found our way back to each other. Grabbing my hand and leaning in, he whispered so softly. “Buttercup, when I get you home, I’m going to lick every inch…” He leaned in to finish his thought. “End of.”


One Year Later


Okay, remind me why I agreed to an outdoor wedding in October.” Running my hands through my unruly locks, I looked at my three brothers as I adjusted my tie for the millionth fucking time. They were laughing, and I sent them my best middle finger selfie. The unprecedented snowmageddon had grabbed the tiny town of Stone Creek by its balls and wasn’t letting go anytime soon.

Jackson, ever the smart ass, had to throw his two cents into the pot. “Because the love of your life wanted it. You’re so whipped, Courtland, I can smell the blood.” Once again, middle finger selfie. We both laughed.

I knew it was true, and I was absolutely one hundred percent okay with it. Nothing, not even the great snowstorm of 2024, would freeze out today. After we smoked the celebratory cigar and took a shot of bourbon, we abandoned the cozy fireplace of the Bluebird to brave the elements and get me to my forever.

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