Page 5 of Ruthless King
“Jackson King, looking as arrogant as ever.” Lucy deadpanned. Jackson laughed at her comment as Ben came into view. “Ladies, it’s nice to see you.”
Ben was who offered me a gig twice a month playing piano at the Lux Hotel. But at that moment, I couldn’t focus on anything except the man standing between the two brothers. If staring were illegal, I would be serving a life sentence with no chance of parole.
“Ladies,” Jackson began. “I’d like you all to meet our older brother, Courtland King.”
Courtland King. Never had I ever heard a more beautiful name. As gorgeous as the man standing before me was, I couldn’t ignore the arrogance that dripped with every syllable of that name.
I mean, he did give me a ride home after that awful encounter the night of the Gala, and I had fantasized about riding his cock in the car on the way back to the hotel, but he had to ruin it by being a dick when we arrived at my hotel. If he were worried enough about my safety to see me home, why could he not be bothered to ensure I made it to my room unscathed, seeing as how he saved me from two predators.
Take it down a notch, Steel. You don’t even know this man, other than apparently, you’ve been rubbing elbows with his brothers for months. You haven’t even been properly introduced until now. Oh God, if he’s brothers with Jackson and Ben… that means he’s also a brother to Knight, my boss.
Before I could react to this new development, Ben chimed in. “Courtland and I are actually twins, although we’re fraternal. That explains why I’m way better looking than him.”
That earned a giggle from the girls and a hearty laugh from Ben and Jackson. Even Courtland smirked at his sibling. I’m sure my face held no secrets at that moment. Those words cut like a knife… twin… fraternal. Suddenly, the room felt as if it were closing in on me.
Grabbing my purse, I slid out of the booth and made a mad dash toward the bathroom. Tess and Lucy quickly came to my side. When they opened the door, I was crouched down beside the toilet, inhaler in one hand, a white handkerchief in the other.
“Oh, Molly.” That was all Lucy had to say.
The tears fell uncontrollably like a river flowing across jagged rocks into the sea. My two friends sat on either side of me. Lucy smoothed my hair while I rested my head on Tess’s shoulder and wept. We stayed that way until no more tears could come. That was it. I had finally cried myself dry.
I was still clutching the handkerchief when I looked at it, and a deep sigh escaped my mouth. It was the one Courtland handed me when I was sick in the shrubs Saturday night. I didn’t realize I still had it.
After what felt like forever, but in reality was only twenty minutes, my friends convinced me to return to our table. When we made it back to the dining area, I noticed Jackson behind the bar. Ben was sitting on a barstool, but Courtland was nowhere in sight. It was just as well. It’s not like I had anything to say to him, anyway. The arrogant jerk.
By the time we arrived back at the table, Sophie was sitting down a third round of Cosmos in front of us. She responded to my puzzled look. “From the gentleman in the back.”
She indicated the booth in the far corner. I turned slowly, dreading who I’d see when he came into view. His dark eyes were locked on me, and I was hypnotized by his gaze. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t look away. My mouth opened as if to say something, but he just gave a subtle nod and raised his glass, breaking the spell. I couldn’t take it any longer.
“Excuse me, ladies.” Tess and Lucy exchanged looks that spoke volumes, then gave each other a high five.
I rolled my eyes and scooted my chair back, scraping it along the floor and making a menacing sound. I made it a few steps before I turned back, grabbed the drink, and strode over to the booth in the back. I set the glass down with enough force that it sloshed onto the table. Then I stood glaring at the gorgeous god sitting in front of me, hands on my hips. He looked up at me, his navy eyes shining in the low light of the bar. His lips curved into a slow smile, and I couldn’t stop staring at them, imagining how soft they would feel against my mouth.
He cleared his throat. “Are you just going to stand there ogling my mouth, or would you like to sit down?” His words shocked me into action.
“Beg pardon?” I said. He started to repeat himself, but I held up a hand. “I know what you said. I was just wondering if you ever think before you spout nonsense.”
“Look, Buttercup, you’re obviously upset about something. Why not sit, enjoy your drink, and tell me about it.”
Tell him about it? Tell him about it? Oh, I’d like to tell him about it, alright. If I could only tear my eyes away from his mouth, I could think straight.
“Fine.” I plopped down across from him, giving my best scowl. I didn’t know why I was this wound up over a man, but he wasn’t just any man. He was beautiful, maybe the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. The sharp lines of his jaw gave his features an even sexier appeal. His broad shoulders looked like they could carry the weight of the world, and they filled out that shirt like he had been poured into it. Don’t even get me started on those jeans. My face suddenly felt flushed, and heat radiated between my thighs. What was happening to me? I was supposed to be angry, not turned on. Huffing, I crossed my arms over my chest and pinned him with my stare.
“What’s wrong with you?” I demanded.
“Me?” He feigned innocence. “I’m just trying to enjoy a nice evening out, and you’re the one who’s attacking me for no reason.”
“No reason?” I wasn’t backing down. “Two times, I repeat, two times, you have been in my company, and you didn’t have the decency to offer your name. You couldn’t have waited until I made it safely into my hotel before peeling out of the parking lot?” My chest was heaving. There, I said it. Did it make me sound pathetic? Probably. Did I care? Yes, I actually did. He just sat staring at me, probably wondering how this psycho was walking free and not locked in a padded room somewhere. What he said next completely threw me.
“I’m sorry, Buttercup, but I don’t possess the decency you’re seeking.”
“Are you always such an ass?” I couldn’t help myself.
“Only on days that end in y.” His face softened on that.
“Oh, you got jokes, now.” Before he could refute my words, I spun around and hightailed it out the door.
The moment the late March wind hit my face, I knew my ripped jeans and thin t-shirt were no match for the early spring air. I hadn’t thought this through. The chill of the night air almost took my breath. Luckily, I had the forethought to grab my purse in case I needed my inhaler. I was still so angry, but was I angry with Courtland or myself?