Page 8 of Ruthless King
For a moment, I sat frozen in time before I breathed in a deep breath and continued my performance. Pushing away thoughts of his raspy voice, strong hands, and midnight blue eyes, my fingers flew over the keys faster and faster as my thoughts tried and failed to catch up.
When the last key was struck, it was pandemonium. Julia and Tess were the first to stand, followed quickly by the rest of the hall. Rips and roars sounded throughout the room as everyone chanted my name. I could feel the flush rise in my cheeks, spreading down my neck. I had never been one to seek the limelight and always tried to remain in the background. Even at Juilliard, I didn’t want to take credit for writing the award-winning concerto that was played as part of the Senior spring recital.
When the crowd settled down, I stood, took a bow, and made my way over to my family, garnering hugs from most of the ladies and handshakes from the gentlemen. Mom grabbed me in a bear hug. “Oh, Molly, we are so proud of you, sweetheart.” My mom had always been my biggest cheerleader. She came as close to anyone understanding my pain and never pressured me for more than I could give.
“Thanks, Mom. Thank you all for being here tonight.” My friends wrapped me up in a taco-style hug as they sang my praises.
Julia was first. “Molly, I know you think you need to settle here, but you have more talent in your pinky finger than most people have in their entire bodies.” I could always count on my family and friends to stroke my ego, even when I didn’t want it to be stroked. Julia spotted Ben across the room and made a mad dash to his side while Tess said her goodbyes. Apparently, she had to go back to finish paperwork at the music store since she had acted as chauffeur for me tonight. Mom and Dad gave me one last hug before leaving.
When the crowd thinned, I could see the back wall. He was still standing there in a white dress shirt and black tie with his hands shoved in the pockets of dark gray slacks. I always had a thing for a man in a tie. His hair was perfectly styled, and those eyes… My god, those cool navy eyes could look into my soul. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him as he sauntered toward me. My breathing became erratic the closer he came. I tried to think about what a jerk he was and how pissed off he made me every time I saw him, but the only thoughts I could muster were of his lips, hands, solid muscle, and hard… Well, you get the picture.
When he reached me, it felt like the air was sucked out of the room. His smile took my breath away. It was the first genuine smile I had witnessed cross his lips. This time, there was no mockery or asinine comments attached to it. “Buttercup, that was spectacular.”
Buttercup. That was his nickname for me. I hadn’t decided whether I loved or loathed it, but the way it rolled off his tongue could have set my panties on fire. It was like the sweetest rose, yet commanding at the same time. I looked up at him as he bent down and placed a whisper of a kiss on my cheek.
When he pulled back, my eyes were still closed. I let the magic of the moment linger a little longer, afraid if I opened my eyes, everything would disappear, and the entire night would have all been an illusion. When the silence became deafening, I opened my eyes, and he flashed another brilliant smile. My heart beat faster, and I finally found my voice.
“Thank you for coming tonight.” I wasn’t sure if he knew I would be performing and planned his appearance or if it were an accidental encounter. Surely, Ben would have told him I was playing tonight. That is, if he talked to his brother like I would assume brothers talked. “Did you know I was playing tonight?”
As soon as the words left my mouth, regret flooded my mind. He must have read my mind because before I could retract them or change the subject, he rescued me. “Actually, my brother mentioned the entertainment would be world-class tonight. He was definitely right about that.” I blushed at his words. I had always found it hard to accept compliments. It wasn’t because I didn’t think I deserved them; it just called attention to me I didn’t find comfortable.
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Have you eaten, Molly?” His question caught me off guard. I had been too nervous to even think about food, and I was starving right then. “As a matter of fact, I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Is the restaurant still serving?”
Just as the question left my mouth, Julia rounded the corner with Ben on her heels. “Hey guys, Ben said the kitchen staff was waiting to see what we wanted to eat before they shut down for the night.” Her eyes were twinkling as she looked back at the handsome blond standing behind her. Ben gave her a wink and a smack on the cheek as he motioned us to follow him. He led us to a small nook that held a table with four place settings.
“Wow, is this for us?” Tonight was getting better by the minute.
Courtland swept past me and pulled out my chair as Ben mimicked his actions for Julia. A bottle of champagne sat in a chilling bucket in the center of the table. It was surrounded by votive candles that lit up the area. We enjoyed lobster bisque with scones for dipping as an appetizer. Then, the waiter brought out the main course, which consisted of medium rare steaks and baked potatoes. Dessert was crème brûlée with chocolate sauce.
When the last of the champagne was drunk and we were beyond stuffed, I looked at my watch. 11:30. Where had the time gone? I gestured to both men at once. “Thank you again for coming tonight and for the wonderful food. But, some of us have a day job, and my boss is a hardass.” That got a chuckle from everybody at the table. “If you all will excuse me, I think I’ll walk home. My ride seems to have ditched me.”
I barely had the words out when Courtland stood to his feet. “Absolutely not. You’re not walking four blocks at midnight. It’s not safe, Molly.”
Not safe? What was he talking about?
He was already grabbing his jacket and shrugging it on when I looked at him. “How do you expect me to get home, then? And how do you know I live four blocks away?” My words weren’t exactly accusing, but I was curious as to the answer to my questions.
Then I remembered seeing him at the cafe earlier. “Buttercup, I will escort you home. End of.” He held out his hand and pulled me to my feet.
“Well, I guess I will see Julia to her room and talk to you guys tomorrow.” Ben made a grand gesture of sweeping his arm out in front of her as if opening up time and space for her to move through. Julia gave me a tight hug, and they were off.
The walk back to the Bluebird took longer than usual because Courtland insisted I tell him the history of every shop we passed on our way. I lost my shoes after the second block, carrying them over my shoulder, and padded down the cobblestone sidewalk in my stocking feet. He draped his jacket around me when he realized I hadn’t brought one tonight. It was a good night, and I was happier than I had been in a long time. Was it him that made the difference? Maybe that, coupled with the adrenaline from my performance, good food, good drink, and excellent company. I was a couple of steps ahead of him when we reached the back stairs leading to the rooms on the second floor. Courtland hesitated when I turned to face him, not knowing what was coming next.
“Would you like to come up?”
He studied my face before his mouth turned up into a sexy smile. I reached back and took his hand in mine as we made our way to my room. As soon as the door closed, his mouth crashed down on mine. I opened for him, and his tongue swept into my mouth like a man possessed. He grabbed my ass and picked me up as he pushed me against the wall. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, surrendering to his touch.
This kiss… It was intoxicating, like the most potent drug, the strongest alcohol. He smelled like leather and teakwood and tasted like fresh mint. I couldn’t get the friction I needed at this angle.
As if he could read my mind, he moved away from the wall and plopped me on the sofa, his hard body coming down on top of me. He braced one arm above me to take some of his weight off me. “Fuck, Molly. You feel so good. Like you were made for me.”
He rained kisses down my neck and over my breasts and slid his free hand up my leg until he found my underwear. He cupped my sex as little whimpers escaped my mouth. I knew he could feel how wet I was through my panties. His erection, hot and hard, pressed into my stomach. Just as he moved his mouth from my breast to my mouth, he froze.
What the hell?
Oh, hell no, surely not. Before I could process what was happening, he spoke.