Page 7 of Blooming Love
“Oh yes,” breathed Hyacinthe, trying to move her hips more, but both Inigo and Beverley were holding her, controlling her movements, and she had to be content with squeezing her internal muscles instead. The feel of his naked, hair-free skin on hers was ramping up the sexual tension very nicely.
For long minutes Inigo and Beverley worked in tandem, one pressing in as the other withdrew, then reversing the actions, gradually, very, very gradually pushing a little harder, thrusting a little faster. The rhythm picked up pace until Inigo and Beverley were jack-hammering into Hyacinthe together, synchronized with each other.
Emotions overloaded Hyacinthe’s senses. Every nerve ending from the roots of the hair on her head right down to her toes was sparking and crackling with erotic tension. Her body was slick with sweat even though neither of the others would let her do anything and the mother of all orgasms built deep in her core. I’m so hot, so tense so—
“Yes!” Hyacinthe screamed, the orgasm bursting from her hands, her arms, her legs, her feet. Her nipples pulsed, her breasts ached, her pussy and ass clenched hard on the two cocks, and lights danced behind her eyelids with the force of the climax roaring through her in every direction. Even her shoulder blades itched and pulsed, as if— Oh shit!
When Cinthe was a child, and again when she reached puberty, her mom had wondered if her daughter would develop wings, but none had ever appeared. Well, it seemed as if sex with a man and a woman was going to bring them out. Only problem was, neither of her partners knew she was one quarter fairy and the discovery was likely to smash the relationship she’d been so carefully building.
Inigo’s cock leaped and pulsed in her cunt as he joined her in orgasm, the heat of his seed warming her through the textured latex, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he thrust into her again and again.
Behind her, Beverley’s pelvis was wedged tight against Hyacinthe’s ass, grinding into her, and Beverley’s breasts were pressed hard into Cinthe’s back, the nipples little pebbles scraping along her shoulder blades, shoulder blades that tingled, burned, and felt as if they were splitting.
Beverley shuddered against her, hot cream coating and warming her ass. At that moment, Hyacinthe’s wings burst from her skin and stretched out.
Beverley pushed off her back and screamed. Inigo’s jaw dropped and his eyes bugged out.
Frantically, Hyacinthe tried to fold her wings, hoping her partners would think they’d imagined seeing things in the extremity of the moment. But no such luck. Her wings grew and spread until they were as wide as the bed. And they were a sparkly, pink-blue-mauve. The color of hyacinths.
Inigo cleared his throat. “Either there were magic mushrooms among those vegetables at lunchtime or else there’s something going on here you haven’t told me about.”
“No magic mushrooms. But sure as hell something I didn’t know,” said Beverley, gently running a fingertip along the bottom of a wing.
“That feels really sexy. But … um … yeah. I didn’t know… I never expected. That is—”
“Spit it out, Hyacinthe. You’re either a mighty fine magician or I’m seeing something here I don’t believe.”
Beverley moved out from behind Hyacinthe. She undid the strap-on, picked up her clothes and in a tight little voice said, “I need a cold shower.”
As Beverley left the room, Inigo gently lifted Cinthe off him. “Explanations, Hyacinthe. We aren’t in Hollywood and I don’t believe what I’m seeing here.”
“I’d rather wait until Bev comes back so I don’t need to say it twice.”
“I reckon you’ll need to say it a lot more than twice. And I don’t think Beverley will be ready to listen for a while yet. Talk, Hyacinthe.”
Hyacinthe was a mass of conflicting emotions. Joy at the wonderful three-way sex, that Inigo and Beverley seemed to be able to work together and become a threesome with her. Delight that she’d finally sprouted wings, her childhood dream. And despair that they’d appeared right when it looked as if they’d destroy her new relationship.
“My mother’s mother was a fairy. That’s why I have such an affinity for plants. I understand them. I can sense what they want and need to grow. I also can sense people’s feelings. Oh, I can’t read minds or anything like that, but I can pick up on emotions and it’s why I understand people too, as well as plants.”
“A fairy, huh? Hence the wings. Keep talking.”
“Only one quarter fairy, Three quarters human. When I was little my mother always hoped I’d sprout wings. She looked for them regularly when I was a child, continually checking as I grew and developed, but nothing happened. Then she thought maybe they’d grow when I hit puberty, but again, nothing. She resigned herself to the idea that one quarter wasn’t enough for me to have wings, that I’d never know the joy of flying.”
Hyacinthe looked at Inigo’s cynical expression, despair hovering over her like a big, black cloud. She felt like crying but kept talking, hoping to convince him of the truth of what she was saying.
“For years I’ve known I couldn’t be in a one-partner relationship. Neither a man nor a woman could satisfy me for long. It was only after I met you and Beverley, when I understood I loved you both equally, that I wondered if we could be a triad. Then I would be satisfied emotionally and sexually. I was so happy when you both seemed able to agree. I thought my life was going to be complete at last. Now when my childhood dream of having wings and being able to fly has come true, is it going to mean I’ll lose you both?”
Hyacinthe covered her face as harsh sobs racked her, forcing their way out of her tight throat, past her clenched teeth. Her body shook with sobs, but the normally thoughtful and considerate Inigo didn’t pull her into his arms.
“My mother! My mother has wings, too. Let me take you to see her, to meet her. Let her tell you my story is true.”
Hyacinthe lifted her hands from her face to see Beverley standing in the doorway, her face red and blotchy. Beverley said coldly, “And when will this happen? Right after you get some special effects dude to fix her up with the wings?”
“Now. This very moment. We’ll go immediately and you’ll know I haven’t contacted her in advance.”
“You could have had this planned for today.”
“But I didn’t. I love you both so much. I want to be with you both. Not even for wings would I jeopardize that.”