Page 1 of Feels So Good
Chapter One
Yasmin stretched out on her towel, looking at the truly scrumptious VJ and Pearce. Yummier than rich, dark, Belgian chocolate, she thought, then sighed. Not that she’d had any chocolate—rich, dark, or Belgian—for several weeks now, due to lack of money.
Being a free spirit was all right in some ways, but not having any money was a pain in the ass.
Oooh ass. Look at those two taut asses. Who needs chocolate anyway? Licking VJ’s chest would be just as good. Likely licking his cock would be even better!
And I know they swing both ways. They’ve made that clear. A couple of hot nights in their bed would take my mind off not having any money most satisfactorily. And a couple of real live cocks would give me way better orgasms than my fingers.
Yasmin leaned up on one elbow to study Pearce, who was sitting on the other side of the fire, holding a hot dog stick in the flames, and talking to Jeff, the guy with the guitar.
Pearce had very dark, blue-black hair, with obsidian eyes, olive-toned skin, and a lot of muscles. Not an ounce of fat on him anywhere that she could see. And she could see a lot. He was shirtless on this hot evening, and wearing shorts. Short shorts, not manpris. Short shorts that should come with an X rating and not be seen by anyone under the age of twenty-one. Thank God she was over twenty-one and could look all she liked. And, oh my, she surely liked.
VJ was just as drool-worthy a vision. A few inches shorter than Pearce, but considerably taller than her own five feet six, he had medium brown hair, brown eyes, and very broad shoulders tapering into narrow hips, just above a truly delightful ass. An ass she’d like to spend a lot of time touching. And licking. And sucking. And possibly biting.
Damn, woman, get your mind out of the gutter.
Just then Pearce came over to her, holding the hot dog stick out. “Want a hot dog? I cooked it myself just for you.”
“Why, thank you. I put some potatoes wrapped in foil in the coals of the fire, but they’ll not be ready for a while yet.”
“I can see them cooking. They’ll be excellent with some butter or sour cream. So, what brings you to a trailer park in Resort City?”
“The company I’d been working with for five years got taken over, and most of the staff was declared redundant, including me. I had no reason to stay there, and I’ve always wanted to travel, so I packed everything I own into my car and headed south. I figured when I ran out of money, I’d get a job. Which will need to be quite soon, unfortunately. But that’s why I’m staying in a trailer for a few days instead of a motel. The next place I stop, likely I’ll be sleeping rough on the beach.”
“Well, hell. I’m sorry about your job, honey.”
“Don’t be. I hated it and I hated the company. They were so stupid and inefficient it’s no wonder they were taken over. But the paycheck. Yeah, I miss the paycheck. What about you, Pearce. How long are you and VJ staying here?”
“I’m on my long service leave. So I’m off work for another two months yet.”
“Wow! Long service leave. I’ve never worked at anyplace long enough for that. Good for you, taking it now, instead of waiting until you’re old.”
“Oh, that was deliberate. My dad worked thirty-five years for the same company. Always planned to travel. He and Mom had folders of maps, photographs, and itineraries of places they would go ‘one day’. Then Mom got cancer and Dad ended up quitting work to look after her. Never traveled, never took his leave. They both passed in the same month last year. So I thought, ‘Fuck that. The moment I’m eligible for leave I’ll take it.’ So, I did.”
“Good move. And VJ was able to come with you?” Shit, I hope that doesn’t sound like I’m prying, but I’d really like to know.
“Oh yeah, he has his own company and works from home. As long as we stay places where we’ve got wifi, he’s happy. He puts in a couple of hours on his current projects each day, but the rest of the time we’re free to do as we please.”
“That would be so good. I wish I could do something like that.”
Jeff got out his guitar and they all started singing old songs, then the potatoes were eaten, and still Yasmin, Pearce and VJ, who’d joined them when the singing started, sat and chatted until everyone else said good night and returned to their trailers.
Pearce ran his hand gently down her arm, sending sexy shivers through her whole body. VJ leaned against her and lightly kissed her on the mouth. When he swiped his tongue along her lips, she willingly opened and let him in, enjoying his smoky, potatoey taste, with a spicy undertone.
Then he moved away and Pearce swooped in for a kiss. His tongue thrust possessively inside her mouth, thrusting deep and hard, a clear, vivid image of what he was silently asking her.
Unconsciously she nodded, and pressed against his naked, rock-hard chest. His cock was also rock-hard and digging into her belly. Hot!
Her panties dampened as cream flooded from her. She’d been thinking about both these men ever since she’d first seen them, and, boy howdy, she was ready to go to bed with them. With condoms of course. She was horny, but not stupid.
VJ’s hand rested on her lower back, just above her butt, his fingers pointing downward. “It’s getting late. How about we move this conversation into our RV?”
Yasmin gulped and nodded. “Yes.”
Pearce hauled her to her feet and grabbed up the towel she’d been sitting on. “You know what we want? Both of us?”
She nodded again.
The two men leaned against her, Peace against her chest, VJ against her back. Two huge cocks pressed into her body. That feels so good.
“Both of us together,” VJ clarified.
“Yes. I understand. I’ve never— I don’t know how— but I want that. I want to experience it with you. Both of you,” Yasmin explained somewhat incoherently due to her libido screaming for more touching from these delicious male specimens.
“Oh, we’ll show you how, honey. Never doubt it,” said Pearce.
“Rest assured it will be good. Very, very good,” added VJ.
Yasmin swallowed again, her mouth suddenly, inexplicably, full of saliva. She drew in a big breath and nodded. “Please, yes.”
“Let’s go,” said VJ, his arm resting over Yasmin and onto Pearce’s shoulder. The three turned as a single unit, and headed across the grass to the men’s RV.
Yasmin had a brief impression of an RV quite a bit larger than the one she was staying in, then they went into the bedroom, closing the sliding door behind them. Basically the only item in the room was a ginormous bed covered with an orange quilt.
What the hell am I doing?
Sex. I’m about to have sex with the yummiest looking men I’ve ever seen.
But I don’t know them.
Who cares? It’s just sex. They have cocks, I have a pussy. That’s all that matters.
Yasmin smiled at them then flung her tee shirt over her head. She wished she was wearing sexier lingerie, but at least the bra and panties she had on matched and were not fugly. They were, however, nondescript beige. If she’d guessed she’d end up in bed with two delicious men she’d have worn her lacy, black set. Well, too bad.
She rested her hands on her hips and waited, watching the men. VJ’s tongue flicked out and wet his lips. He widened his stance, thrusting his pelvis forward in his snug-fitting jeans. Mimicking her movements, he grasped his black tee shirt, and pulled it over his head. “Your move,” he said challengingly.
Instead of removing her shorts, as she guessed he expected her to do, she stepped forward and reached for his belt. She unbuckled it, and unsnapped the top of his jeans. He made no attempt to either stop her or assist her, so she slid the zipper down, down, down, and pulled his pants open.
Commando! His cock bounced free, long and thick and already hard.