Page 7 of Feels So Good
Yasmin went to the closet and got out her purse.
“What do you want that for?” VJ wasn’t condemnatory, just curious.
“I need my car keys so I can meet you at the Sea Shanty Inn.”
“We’ve already loaded your car on the back. You’ll be traveling up front in the cab with us.”
“We put your car in the storeroom out back,” VJ said.
That just confused Yasmin even more. “What storeroom? Out back where? We can’t leave my car here. I’ll be needing it at some stage for sure.” This sex odyssey could end at any time and she needed her car because it was her freedom to move on. Besides, the trunk was full of her photographs, personal papers, and things she wanted to keep. And there was no way she was driving off and leaving them behind.
“The storeroom out back of this mobile home. You know there’s no back window in the bedroom right? That’s because the storeroom is there,” VJ tried to explain.
“Let’s show her. Come with us,” said Pearce jumping down the steps and out of the RV.
They walked round to the back of the vehicle, and Pearce took a key ring out of his pocket. He unlocked a door Yasmin hadn’t noticed before and pulled it wide. It swung back on hinges so the entire width of the RV became one big door.
Inside, her little car just fit, its nose almost touching the far wall, its rear wheels clamped to metal poles. Beside it was a shiny motorbike, and against one side wall was a huge shelving unit filled with boxes and covered over with netting to stop them falling off the shelves.
“Wow. I didn’t know this was here. I’ve never even seen that door before. But then, I guess I haven’t been around back of the RV much either, just walking past it. It’s like a real garage.”
“Yeah, it’s meant for people to store a car or boat in when they travel. We don’t have a boat and we’ve found the bike much more practical for getting around while we travel. But it’s ideal for your car. So, let’s go.” VJ locked the door, while Pearce led her up to the truck cab.
“I noticed you called it a mobile home. Other people say RV and some call their place a trailer. What’s correct?” she asked as they pulled out of the trailer park.
“A trailer is mobile in that it is delivered on a truck—or on two trucks if it’s a double wide. And it can be moved somewhere else later. An RV or mobile home is something you drive around yourself. It’s got its own engine, wheels, and so on. Technically this is a mobile home, but lots of people call it an RV,” VJ explained as Pearce drove.
They talked about the internal differences in the homes for the few minutes it took them to drive into Resort City and park in the lot at the Sea Shanty Inn Roadhouse.
“Interesting décor,” she murmured into Pearce’s ear as they waited for their meal. There must have been at least ten stuffed pelicans decorating the room. But the food was well cooked, they were served quickly, and the meal was inexpensive, so Yasmin was more than satisfied with their choice of eatery.
Then they were on the road, heading toward the beach they’d been told about with the walking track to the waterfall.
The beach was tucked away, off the beaten track, so they stayed there for several days, swimming, surfing, making love on the sand, and walking to the waterfall. The waterfall was very pretty, with clouds of mist spraying the entire valley making it lush and green and well worth the three-hour walk.
Several weeks passed with them moving onto new places, seeing the sights, going on walks, or swimming at various beaches, and behaving like tourists, before traveling on again.
Mondays and Thursdays they devoted to work, Yasmin setting up several databases, spreadsheets, and paperwork templates, then entering data and sending out correspondence. VJ actually worked for about an hour every day answering mail, but on their scheduled work days he locked himself in the bedroom, developing proposals, deciding on new products, talking to the inventors. Even Pearce found himself sorting through boxes of paperwork and helping out. Plus he cooked. According to him it was the only way to avoid starvation, but Yasmin could tell he was enjoying himself as he often whistled while he chopped and peeled and barbecued and sautéed something delicious for them to eat.
Yasmin found herself enjoying the work. VJ acted as a sort of manager for several different companies and individuals who had invented, or who manufactured, specialized products for people with disabilities or special needs. She knew about gripping sticks with long handles to enable people with bad backs to pick things up from the floor, but she was amazing at the incredible imagination of the people who’d designed some of the products VJ marketed.
“Often they had a parent or grandparent who couldn’t do something, and they sat down with friends and came up with these inventions. Some of them took years to make, but I only deal with things that have a proven track record,” VJ explained.
“Some of these gadgets are so simple, yet brilliant. I love the extra-long shoe horn. Once you see it, the concept is so simple. Yet nobody thought of it before,” Yasmin replied.
“I was hooked by the things designed for left-handed people. I’d never even thought how hard it must be for them to use right-handed equipment,” added Pearce.
Yasmin was getting through the paperwork in the cardboard box faster than she’d expected, but she’d also thought of other administrative systems to simplify and clarify various tasks, and VJ was thrilled with them too. She loved the idea that she was more than just a cog in a wheel, that she was making a difference and helping both the men and ordinary people out in the world. It gave her the same warm feeling of belonging that being with these men gave her.
She’d only been living with them for a few weeks, but it seemed like she was truly part of them, part of a team, part of a family. Of course, they did spend all day every day together either working, traveling, or vacationing. But still, she knew more about these two men than she did about most of her extended family.
“Likely we should stop for fuel this morning. Where’s the next town,” asked VJ who was driving.