Page 1 of Broken
Greek God of Erebus—“The personification of darkness and shadow”
Mid-October 2022.
The beginning…
O’Mally’s Bar was crowded and busy enough that a person could blend into said crowd if they wanted.
Ice didn’t give a rat’s ass about blending in, he had come to the noisy place to get a drink.
Sitting on one of the many bar stools at the long wooden bar, he’d ordered a whiskey, neat. The warm burn of the liquor going down had the stress melting from his shoulders with a sigh.
When a man sat on the barstool to his left, Ice edged slightly to the right. He didn’t want conversation, and turning a shoulder usually nipped that in the bud. The guy ordered a beer and Ice swallowed down what was left in his own glass.
He thought about Michelle and a headache started behind his eyes. He felt bad for her and had done everything he could think of to help her with her problem when she had picked up a fucking stalker.
Stalkers should be handled by the police, but she’d been terrified, so it seemed an easy fix to him.
Act like a new love interest.
Spending the night at her place hadn’t been a difficult decision because they were friends, but it hadn’t done a damn bit of good. Because the stalker hadn’t shown up. So, when he later thought about it, the stalker probably saw him there and took off.
Michelle wasn’t too sure and she had sighed in frustration.
“What does he look like?” Ice had asked the first night he slept on her couch. Standing in her pristine kitchen, he tore the lettuce for the salad while she stirred the pasta sauce.
“He’s a big guy. Taller than you and weighs more. His gut hangs over his belt. He has a scar on his face that you can’t miss.”
“Scar? What kind?”
“It starts at the right corner of his mouth and stretches diagonally to his chin and runs along his jaw.”
“Is it pink or red in color?”
“No, it’s white.”
So, an old scar, he thought with a nod. “What does he usually wear?”
“Jeans and a t-shirt.”
“And you don’t know his name?”
“No. I have never met him in my life other than constantly seeing him across the street or near my work.” Her voice trembled.
“Hey.” He laid down the lettuce and pulled her into a hug. “We’ll get him.”
The only thing Ice could do from that night on was to stay over at her place to keep an eye out. He’d slept there for a few days with his nine-millimeter next to him but nothing had happened.
The stalker had disappeared.
Which would be a good thing if Ice thought that the asshole was really gone.
He fucking doubted it.
Pushing away from the bar, he headed into the back hallway to use the bathroom. Shoving open the door, he stepped inside and came face to face with a slender man holding a knife in his hand. The blade dripped with blood and another man lay prone on the floor with his throat slit open.
Before Ice could process what the fuck was going on, the man holding the knife watched him with big, dark eyes through a fall of equally black hair.
Suddenly, the man flipped the knife over and flung it with an incredible speed directly at him. Ice was too surprised to move. When he thought about it later, he would realize that it was a good thing he’d stayed still because the knife went deep into someone standing behind him.