Page 19 of Broken
Echo got in his face, so fucking close that Ice was tempted to kiss those full lips. Fuck…he’d give anything just to taste them one more time.
“You sure about that?”
“I’m telling you, Solomon called it off.”
“I think you’re lying,” Echo sneered, clearly not believing him.
Ice squinted down into the man’s face. “You’re wrong.”
Echo snorted. “You just don’t have the balls for this type of work. Why don’t you take your dog home and sit this one out, huh? I’ll take it from here.”
“Solomon said no.”
“I’m not putting this off.”
“We don’t know if the facts are legit,” Ice murmured.
“What the fuck does that matter?” Echo snapped, inches from him.
“It matters,” Ice whispered, his throat going tight.
“You’re fucking dreaming. The request came in. I’m doing the hit.”
“Echo, don’t.” Ice made the mistake of reaching for the killer.
Echo stabbed him and Grit sprang up, snapping at the slender man even though Ice hadn’t given a command.
“Hold!” Ice ordered Grit and the dog sank immediately to his stomach with his haunches tense and a low rumble from his throat.
“Oww, shit.” It wasn’t the first nor he imagined the last knife wound he’d get from Echo, but this one had gone deep. Really deep.
He thought about keeping his distance, but changed his mind and launched forward. He knocked Echo’s knife hand. He should have known it wasn’t going to work because the blade stayed firmly in the assassin’s grip. Ice didn’t give a fuck, he clamped his hand over Echo’s wrist, pushed it wide, and brought the slighter man to his chest with an arm around his waist.
They mashed together.
Chest to chest, groin to groin.
His side burned and ached, but Ice had only one goal above the pain.
The kiss this time was even more explosive than the one in the water. Tongues tasted, laved, and sucked. Lips were bruised, bitten, and rubbed until Ice had to lift his head to breathe.
Echo’s arm came down with a sinister strike and Ice barely had time to dodge before the knife struck.
He’d almost been cut again.
“Quit fucking doing that,” Echo spat.
“Why?” Ice wiped at his mouth and at the same time, pulled his shirt away from where the blood was soaking the material and running down into his jeans.
“Next time, I’ll cut your fucking throat.”
“Again. Why? I like you.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I want to know you,” Ice murmured. Feeling slightly lightheaded, he kept a wary eye on the blade.
Echo was a killer and at any moment, the man could put that knife in his throat.