Page 3 of Broken
“Does he work for Erebus?”
Stone finished with his arm and then rubbed his hands briskly over his face.
“I can’t answer that.”
“Fuck you,” Ice snorted. “Answer me.”
“You quit Erebus. Dave let you out. Don’t do this,” Stone muttered.
“Hey.” Ice gripped Stone’s shoulder tightly. “Just answer the question.”
After a long moment, Stone let out a sigh and nodded. “Yeah, he’s an assassin.”
“Who is he?”
“Why do you want to know?” Stone scowled at him.
“I’d like to know who tried to kill me so I can avoid him in the future,” he smirked.
Stone made a disbelieving sound under his breath. “Right. Did you forget it’s me you’re talking to?”
“Nope.” Ice smiled.
“I don’t know if I can for sure say who you ran into.”
“What if I give you the location?” Ice rattled off the bar’s address.
Stone pinched the bridge of his nose and gave an annoyed growl. He turned to a laptop that was on the kitchen counter next to them and tapped away on the screen for several moments.
Ice dropped his hand and waited patiently in the bright kitchen. Patience was one of his strongest qualities. Stone finally turned away from the computer.
“From what you’ve described and the location of the hit…it’s Echo,” Stone said.
Stone squinted at him. “Don’t mess with him. He will kill you.”
Ice smirked.
9 months later…July 2023
“Here goes nothing.”
Muttering, Ice stabbed a finger at the doorbell of his best friend’s house and glanced at the seven-month-old chocolate lab at his feet. He’d rescued Grit when he was ten weeks old from a bomb site last March and that had been the best decision he’d ever made.
Hunter opened the door a few moments later with a huge smile on his face and ruffled the dog’s ears.
“Hello, Grit,” Hunter cooed.
Ice smiled at the lovey-dovey tone of voice.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you in a few weeks,” Hunter said, placing Grit on the floor.
“It’s been nuts.” Ice returned Hunter’s quick hug and stepped into the warm house. It was spring in the sunny state of California, but still damned chilly if you asked him.
Grit tore down the slick entryway like a Tasmanian devil.
“Yeah,” Hunter said and then called over his shoulder. “Babe? Ice and Grit are here.”