Page 65 of Broken
“I’ll hear it when the rest of the team does,” Stone growled, pulled his arm free, and walked out.
“Stubborn,” Dave whispered, closing his eyes. He dropped his head against the back of the chair. The hurt on Stone’s face had been hard to miss. But Genesis was top secret right now and there were reasons he hadn’t been able to share it with Stone. There were reasons they hadn’t done it together.
If he could have told anyone about the President’s order, Stone would have been that person.
However, getting Stone to believe that he had no choice was a different story.
It was another nail in the coffin of their constant conflict.
And he silently chided himself to remember that they would never work.
Closing his eyes, his mind raced over the steps he’d need to take to have Solomon eliminated and his facilities found before more children could die. And as much as the President did not want Genesis exposed, Dave really didn’t see any other way. He couldn’t have Phoenix or Pegasus caught up in assassin business—with the exception of a few key people on both of those teams, all other members were out of the loop, and for good reason.
In the past, during Jaxon West’s and Hunter’s leaderships, Erebus assassins worked more as a team. Of course, not all the time, but a good portion of it. But now under Solomon’s leadership, Erebus assassins did not work together. So what it boiled down to at this very moment…was to initiate Genesis.
Dave stood up and walked toward the secret room that held the red phone.
The following morning, all who’d stayed the night before filed into the room.
Ice was pleased to see that every single man had stayed—Stone, Real, Wrath, Savage, and Thane all took a place at the dining room table and filled their plates with food Dave’s staff had brought in.
The chair next to Dave was empty and Stone walked over and sat. Ice noticed Dave’s small start of surprise, but he was positive nobody else had.
“Good morning,” Dave said, and the rest of the men mumbled the same between eating and sipping coffee.
“Eat first,” Stone said, placing a plate piled with food in front of Dave. That got the attention of several of the men at the table. Ignoring them, Stone lifted another plate and dished up more food.
Dave slanted Stone a look, but lifted his fork and took a bite of sausage.
“I spoke to the President last night,” Dave said after swallowing.
Nobody batted an eye. They all knew who they ultimately worked for. And as expected, the room dropped down to muffled eating while every man gave their full attention to Dave.
“Last year, I was tasked with organizing a group of military assassins. The President and I are…were the only two who knew of the team—except for the team members. Now, you all know. However, POTUS and I ask that it doesn’t leave this room.”
Every head nodded and Ice wondered why Thane was included in this conversation. Dave already knew Savage, and now it appeared he also knew Thane.
Ice forked up some pancake and wondered if Echo had food to eat. He suddenly lost his appetite and took several swallows of coffee instead of the bite.
“There’s a man who is taking runaway children off of the streets, and he’s turning them into killers,” Dave said.
At those words, the whole room stopped moving. Every pair of eyes locked on Dave as if to see if the man was joking.
“Let’s kill him,” Thane said, and Savage shook his head sharply. Thane covered his mouth with his own hands and gave a muffled sorry.
“I wish it were that easy, Thane. I really do.” Dave gave a sad frown. “However, it’s going to take more than that.”
“Tell us,” Wrath said.
“The hard part is that we don’t know how many facilities this guy has. If we kill him without that information, those kids will die. They will starve to death in their cages.”
“Is this the same guy that locked up Rogue and Echo?” Wrath asked.
“And Fisher,” Ice added, holding Wrath’s eyes across the table.
“Fisher was there too?”