Page 45 of Morgan
He pushes my hair off my forehead. “That’s what you are to me too…but you’re not going to be my sugar daddy. I’m gonna need a job ASAP. Otherwise, I’ll go fucking crazy.”
I settle beside him, unable to believe what’s happening. That he’s mine and willing to leave with me. “I want to make you happy. I’ll do everything in my power to make you the happiest man on earth.”
He sucks in a breath, then grabs my face and pulls me down until our lips are a breath apart. “You already do, baby.”
Dusty takes my mouth, and we lie there kissing for a while, hands running up and down each other’s bodies, lazily stroking with hands and tongues. In between kissing, we talk. He asks questions about Santa Monica. About looking for apartments and jobs online before we go. He’s not sure when he’ll tell his folks, and I leave that decision up to him.
“We’ll come back often, and if you don’t like it, then I’ll—”
“Shh. Shut up and go swimming with me.”
“Okay.” I stand, and this time, it’s me helping him up. We go into the water, swim and play and kiss.
We’re gonna do this. Dusty and I are gonna make a real go at being together, and damned if I don’t feel like the luckiest son of a bitch alive.
The shop is closed on Sunday, but still I feel the need to be there. I’m surprised to see East’s car in the lot as I pull up. It’s early, and I know he’s not a morning person. It’s also his day off, and a time when he would normally be in bed, so this is odd.
I park beside his vehicle, unlock the door, and go inside. Red Hot Chili Peppers plays through the speakers, the scent of cleaning products burning my nose.
I walk around the corner. Easton has his back to me, wearing old jeans and a T-shirt. Even if I didn’t see what he’s doing, one look around would tell me he’s been here cleaning and organizing the shop. He’s even put away a shipment we got on Friday and that I’d left for Monday. This is new. Despite some of his struggles, East does have a strong work ethic. I wouldn’t have hired him if he didn’t, and Swift or not, I wouldn’t have kept him if I didn’t admire his work. He’s done a damn good job working for me, but this, today, it’s about something else.
I turn off the music, and he twists around. “I was listening to that.”
“You’re also cleaning.”
“There something wrong with that?” He gives me his back again and continues wiping down the shelf. Easton isn’t great with compliments, doesn’t really do well with attention at all unless it’s negative, and for that I completely blame Gregory Swift. He’s also not great with words and has a temper. Friday night was the temper, today is his way of apologizing. I don’t need that from him, though.
“You were right,” I say, shoving my hands into my pockets.
“That doesn’t matter.”
“It does. Sure, the delivery could have used some work, but you were right, and I know it didn’t come from you trying to hurt me.”
He gives a humorless chuckle. “I’m more of a dick than you think.”
“No. You’re not to me, and okay, we all know you can be an asshole, but I know you, East.”
Finally, he turns back around, leaning against the counter, and crosses his arms. “You give us too much credit, too much leeway. All of us. Me, Rhett, and Morgan. You’ve made it your life’s mission to save us. You’re better than all of us. If you were smart, you’d run the other way—even from Morgan.”
Because he doesn’t think they deserve love. Any of them. At least Morgan and Rhett had Allison for a while. East had never been that lucky. “Yeah, maybe you’re right, but it’s a little late for that. You and Rhett are like brothers to me, even if I want to wring your necks half the time, and Morgan…well, he’s Morgan.” I walk over and stand beside him.
“He loves you,” East says. “I might have been young, but I know that, I see it.” I think East pays attention to people around him more than others do, more than people give him credit for. “We’re just not good at it, neither of us. We don’t know how to do it like most folks. We either weren’t built right or taught right. We’re fucked up here.” He taps his temple. “But he does love you.”
“Yeah,” I sigh. “I know he does. We haven’t told anyone, but I’m going with him when he leaves for California.”
Silence greets me, and I wait, knowing something is coming. “You love it here.”
“I might love it there too. How will I know if I don’t go? I can always come home. It’s not like home will disappear. It’s not going anywhere.”
“What about the shop?”
“That’s where you come in. I’m gonna need someone to take over for me, and there’s no one I trust more.”
His head whips in my direction. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”