Page 59 of Morgan
Nicole reminds me of my mom in a lot of ways. She loves being a parent, enjoys her son, and includes me in that as well. Like I said, she was like a mom to me after losing my own. Even the smell of her hair is familiar.
Dusty has also been working with Easton on the things he’ll need to know when Dusty goes. I was with them once, and I’ve never seen my brother take something so seriously. It’s clear how much he wants to do right by Dusty.
I spent more time with East and Pretty Girl too, but we haven’t managed to make that happen with Rhett yet. He and Dusty talk regularly, though, and I know they met for lunch once.
It’s a little over twenty-five miles until we hit the steel bridge over Yellow Dog River. The water rushes beneath us as Dusty pulls the Jeep to the side of the road to park.
“I always loved it out here because it’s off the beaten track,” Dusty says as he gets out, then goes to the back seat for his pack.
I grab mine as well. We’re planning on having lunch at the falls.
“Yeah, me too. I get you all to myself.” I toss a wink his way.
“Baby, you can always have me to yourself,” he replies, sexy and husky, sending a tremble down my spine. Jesus, this man.
We head for the trail on the south side of the bridge. It’s clearly marked from here until the big fall, which is only about a mile in. Marked or not, the path is wild, with a lot of rocks and brush in the way.
We’re completely shaded by all the trees, like we’re alone in the world. The only sound is our footsteps through the dirt and around rocks, along with critters scurrying around and the stream running in the distance.
“Are there places to hike close to where you live in California?” Dusty asks.
“Some, yeah. It’s not the same, of course. There are fewer places, and we have to drive farther. It’s not as dense around where I live. There are still pretty places, just pretty in a different way.”
“You have the ocean too,” he counters, and I nod.
“I do. I’m going to make sure I enjoy it more with you there.” I missed doing things like this for fun. My life is full of work and social events with little time to just breathe and enjoy nature. Well, that’s not true. I can find the time if I want. I just didn’t…not until now. Not until I had Dusty again.
I pull in a deep lungful of air as we continue the journey. I love how quiet it is out here, how these trails and perfect places in nature hold the happiest memories of my childhood.
“I remember when Mom brought me and Rhett here. She was brave taking us alone. We were fighting over who got to help her. She calmed us down the way she always did, letting each of us take one of her hands, while she pretended to need her boys.” The memory fits into its own little place inside my heart. She hadn’t needed us, but she’d wanted us to feel needed. That’s how she was.
“Didn’t you sprain your ankle out here?” Dusty asks.
“Ugh. Don’t remind me. I ended up getting separated from Mom and Rhett. My foot got stuck between two rocks. It was Rhett who found me. I was embarrassed, but he…he told me about cutting his finger on a knife and how everyone makes mistakes. I didn’t want him to see me weak. I thought he would hold it against me, but he didn’t. He put his arm around me and helped me back to Mom.”
I’d completely forgotten about that moment with my brother, when Rhett wasn’t in competition with me over Dad or telling me I wasn’t a good enough son. He was just…a big brother.
Dusty nudges my arm as if he can read my thoughts, knows I’m thinking about Rhett and everything that’s happened, and what could have been if we’d had a different father. And as much as I love Mom…if she’d stood up to him more too, demanded more of him… That thought makes pain shoot through my chest, so I stuff it down.
“Wanna know what I remember?” Dusty asks, a playful smirk tilting the corner of his mouth.
“Hiking out here with you and then taking off for Big Bay and skinny-dipping with you. I wanted to fall to my knees and suck you off right then and there.”
“Dirty boy,” I tease.
“For you? Fuck yes.”
I remember feeling his gaze on me, taking in his cock that had hung long between his legs, his balls that were bigger than mine, and his ass…fuck, Dusty had a nice ass. Still does.
“Hmm. I wanted the same thing—to suck you, I mean. And I remember being really into your ass, no matter how much I tried to deny it to myself. Funny, since now I’m obsessed with your cock.” I’d taken Dusty since coming back, knew what it was like to be inside him, and it was fucking heaven, but damn, do I like riding his dick.
“You can have all you want of both.”
I swat his ass, then start to jog. Dusty chases after me. I let him catch me the moment we get to the biggest of the falls here, which aren’t huge but are gorgeous nonetheless.
“Got you.” Dusty’s arms wrap around my waist from behind. He licks the sweat off my nape.