Page 106 of The Phoenix
“The male ego requires so much stroking. It’s exhausting.”
“You stroke with perfection. Speaking of. How about tonight? I’m working the front lines in Montana until late this evening but can join you at your place after midnight.”
Matty didn’t like Bounty to come to his quarters in the States. He was bunking in a tent for now, a big one with amenities. Still not what she deserved. She had an apartment upstairs in the Covenkirk stronghold, having moved in after Kole, Matty, and her brother nagged. He felt much better with her safety assured.
“I’ll wait. Will you be hungry?”
He cocked his head to the side. “I will be, but not for anything you can cook. Just be wearing the short black number you had on the other night. It’s so fun taking it off you.”
They both jumped when Kole slammed through the door, his tank-wide shoulders twisting sideways so he didn’t rip off the jamb. While fire popped from his fingers, a scowl curled his lip.
“Are you here to give me a report or fuck my secretary?”
“What?” Bounty shot onto her feet. “Watch your mouth.”
“Sorry. Executive assistant,” Kole snarled.
“Much better.” She sat, winking at Matty while the commander stormed through her office and into his. “Have fun. He’s in a good mood.”
“If you hear me whimpering like a baby, feel free to come save my ass.” Matty lifted off her desk, following Kole into the demon’s den. Or lair? He’d have to ask sometime. Not today.
“Matty,” said Bounty, before he passed through the doorway to hell, “I do love you.”
He twisted around, flashing an unrepentant grin. “I know.”
“She loves you. You love her. Life’s great. Shut the damn door so we can get down to biz. How are things Earthside, Colonel?” The leather creaked when Kole dropped into his chair.
Matty smoothed the front of his uniform before he sat across from the commander, his army face on now. “We lost Billings. The city is nothing except dead bodies, burned buildings, and quiet streets. We placed the citizens who were still alive into camps in the eastern part of the state. Bozeman was evacuated long ago. Though the army’s rounding up stray Aeternals, most of them already ducked back to Scath through portals. That’s what they do. Come across in small groups. Strike hard before they slip home. With more Arisen Dawn, we might have lost the whole state.”
“Any other hot spots?”
“Sacramento has been a mess for a while. We’re holding on to it as long as they still can’t send more than ten through a portal at a time. Do you see that changing?”
“No. Alarik tells me jumpers can’t do better. Given the tech, the number of Aeternals who can cross realms won’t change.”
“So what has you in a demon snit?”
“My gut. It tells me something’s coming. A surprise. I fucking hate surprises. I’d feel better if we located Arisen Dawn’s main garrison and took on their big force. These hit-and-run forays Cerberus sends out have my nuts in a knot.”
“An all-or-nothing showdown is my preference, too. How’s the health of the portals?”
“Here’s the thing. Alarik says they’re holding but showing oddities.”
“Doesn’t sound good. Anything to share?”
“No specifics from his portal wizards, though they suspect Cerberus is experimenting. Hope they never drop. If they do, all hell will break loose. Earth will be so flooded with Arisen Dawn your lines won’t hold them.”
“We’re stationing civilian militia armed with plenty of ammo at gateways where our GI Joes and Josephines can’t cover.”
“Anything more you need from us?” Kole brushed a hand over his high-and-tight.
“American special task forces have assigned a liaison like me to work with Jarek in the central states. Nace has another in the East. Seems to be working well.”
“More communication is always better.”
“Glad you assigned Dax to us as an adviser. He’s been highlighting potential hot spots so we can get civilians out of the way and our forces into position.”
“Speaking of my surly vampire Firebrand, what’s your take on how he’s handling impending fatherhood?”