Page 129 of The Phoenix
Indy’s hips crashed against his, her moans fueling his pleasure. As he stroked her clit, he felt her tighten, preparing to soar. She rose to meet his thrust, screaming out his name with her orgasm.
Seeking his own release, he lowered his head to her breast, taking more than her nipple. With Indy’s digging hold on his shoulders, her heels pressed into his ass, and her flesh filling his mouth, he hammered into her, her sheath squeezing his cock until he emptied his seed into the only female he had ever loved.
Yes. I love Indy.
Roark stilled, his ejaculation ending only once he felt drained. He collapsed, trying to hold his weight off her. Unsure he succeeded. With his face buried in her neck, she cradled his head. His skin cooled, and his heart ceased its frantic rhythm.
After what seemed many peaceful minutes, she whispered against his skin. “I killed my father.”
Exhausted, Roark rolled to his back, taking her with him. She had gifted him with her dark secret, this enigmatic female who, despite her quirky chatter, rarely revealed her true self. “What did he do to deserve it, Indy?”
She looked at him as if expecting him to judge her. He didn’t. He did not doubt she had cause.
“He murdered my mother and was going to kill Alarik. I beheaded him. Patricide is punishable by death on Scath. No one except you knows my secret.”
Roark clutched her to his chest, hoping he comforted her.
Finally, she drew a deep breath, letting it go slowly. “Sometimes, I remember the good. Tor—that was my father’s name—carried me on his shoulders so I could be taller, played games when I was too ill to go outside, taught me spells to prepare for my Awakening. Then he changed.”
“No one’s ever completely bad, Indy. I’m sorry. I’m sorry he made you do that.” After staring into her sorrowful eyes, he brushed a stray wisp of hair off her cheek. “Thank you for trusting me with your secret. For those we love, we do much. You love Alarik.”
“Do you think less of me?”
“No, my Indy. Never.”
She raised onto her elbow, head resting in her palm. “Still you won’t share your secrets.”
He sensed his gray eyes, shards of glass, swirling with shadowy knowledge. “Not because I don’t trust you. Never believe that. But the time is soon when I shall.”
Matty cradled the phone to his ear, his voice deep, husky. “Bounty.”
“My love.”
“Where are you?” he asked.
“I’m still at the office, about to head upstairs. Will you come tonight?”
Matty knew she was safe rooming at the Covenkirk stronghold, where she had been since the whole Arisen Dawn shit blew up. “No. I wish I could, but I have too much going on, last minute strategy meets with my lieutenant colonels. My Ranger battalions go in first tomorrow.”
“I’ll miss you, Matty.”
He heard the rustle of clothing, telling him she had shifted in her chair. He imagined her crossing her long, shapely legs, the silk of her dress whispering with the movement. It was enough to make his cock jump to attention. Bounty did that to him, made blood rush to his extremities. She was unlike any woman he’d ever met. Strong. Smart. Funny. Soft in all the right places. She was perfect. Yet he knew their time was limited. Noticeably short if he died tomorrow. If he lived, she would remain young and beautiful while he withered with age.
She had assured him she would find him extraordinarily handsome with graying temples and laugh lines. But she really had no idea of old. He had no plans of showing her. No. He would do the kind thing, leaving long before he was frail and doddering. No Grandpa Matty for his female vampire. “I miss you, too, love. You know everyone’s betting against us.”
“Shows what they know.” Her chuckle was breathy, sexy.
“We are an unlikely pair.” He held his breath, not wanting Bounty to agree.
“Mateo Garcia, I’ve looked a long time for a male to love, not just fuck and fang. You’re it for me, unlikely or not. Now, say sweet things to me or I’ll reach through this phone to whip your ass.”
Before he could stop himself, he was saying stupid shit like a lovestruck Romeo. Then he said what was really on his mind. “Bounty, if I survive this, I want to marry you.”
She took so long to answer, he worried. “Is that a proposal?”
He laughed. “Yeah. Not very romantic. How about if I get on my knees?”