Page 137 of The Phoenix
She smoothed a hand over the waves of her golden hair. “I am your mother.” She tapped her breastplate. “It is my milk that runs through you, nourishing you, giving you life.”
Hearing her words, her worshipers fell to their knees, their bodies trembling before her might.
“Arise. Return to the fight.”
A hum arose from the crowd as the Arisen Dawn soldiers whispered among themselves. Then bedlam. With fists pumped into the air, they stomped the ground. Their spines stiffened with the knowledge their goddess was here to save them.
She smiled, sighing. They loved her so. It was, after all, her due. Nonetheless, she appreciated their adoration. When the war was won, she determined to visit her people more often. Perhaps she would encourage them to build more temples in her honor.
Across the sea of faces, she spied Lort, a human male dangling over his arm. He tossed aside the body drained of blood, wiping a sleeve over his stained mouth. With fangs bared, his eyes crimson, he shouted, “We are yours to lead, Gahya. I will give you victory.”
Here was a leader to inspire her troops, a savage, thirsty creature. She called back, “General, rally my soldiers.”
Lort raised his sword toward his goddess, beckoning his remaining officers to his side.
A shadow darted across the sky. Above the American army appeared the burnt umber wings of her nemesis, Gabriel, an interfering bastard. A short blade hugged his hip. Encasing his legs, along with knee-high boots, were pteruges, favored by Roman warriors. Arrogant but well dressed, he looked almost yummy. His voice echoed throughout the firmaments. “Return to Vast, Gahya. Let this play out as intended.”
Damn Gabriel. His ego was larger than hers. He always had to win. It mattered little whether the bet was big or small. And usually, he did. This win, however, belonged to Gahya. Was he willing to sacrifice his Homo sapiens? Of course he was. Holding his head high while he did a victory lap in front of other immortals was that important to the male.
“The OneCreator promised my Aeternals success.” Shouting at Gabriel, she rode an air current above her soldiers.
Gabriel drew his sword. “No. Your Cerberus is dead. All bets are off. My humans will annihilate your creatures. A new game is in the making.”
His powerful wings held him aloft. He raised a haughty brow when a soldier stepped forward to confront him. “What is your name, son?” he demanded.
“Colonel Mateus Garcia. And I’m not your son.”
“In a way you are. With the blood of Aeternals and DNA from Homo erectus, I made your species. I am your father.” He swept out his wings, pleated with umber stripes. Not nearly as attractive as hers. “With my aid you will kill the Aeternals. Drive them from this planet.”
The human tilted his head to the side. “Not all Aeternals are bad. We’re here to stop Arisen Dawn.”
Gahya snorted. “So sad, Gabriel. You have no champion.”
The humans muttered among themselves. One answered Gabriel’s call. “I am Captain Armouth. I’ll wipe out the bastards.”
The Earther called Colonel Garcia said, “Stand down, Armouth.”
“I’m not in your West Bank Special Mission Unit.” The captain raised a fist, gathering followers to his side.
Gahya snickered at the weak showing. “Your numbers are not great.”
While the American army and Arisen Dawn re-grouped, Gahya sped through the air toward the Firebrands with their Aeternal allies. “Behold. I am the Genitrix. You will be my champions against humans.”
Commanders Kole, Jarek, and Nace exchanged looks. With nods from gaffers along with the civilians beside them, Kole cupped hands to his mouth, shouting to the sky, “With respect, Genitrix, go fuck yourself. We fight for duty. We fight for honor.”
An arrow whizzed by, nearly striking her. Dipping her shoulder, Gahya spun toward a bare-chested ylve, his long black hair held in place by an Apache warrior’s headband. With a grin spread across his face, he waved, shifted from foot to foot, and reloaded his chu-ko-nu. Another time, she would have thought him handsome enough for her bed. Today, he was an irritant. Flicking a wing, she sent a burst of air to knock him on his ass.
While the cocky Firebrand struggled to his feet, she landed in the valley. Her boots ate up the dirt as she charged forward to join Lort and Arisen Dawn, sword high, breastplate gleaming, hair fluttering in the breeze. She was certain she made a striking image, worthy of Scribe’s documentation. Gahya hoped his entry included images.
Indigo was in awe of the Genitrix. For a minute. Gahya was stunning from the toes of her stylish kinda-slutty boots to her long golden-hair pulled into a high ponytail with wisps fluttering along her cheeks. No split ends there. But the female’s vanity was monumental. Her mission was borderline insane.
Goddess or not, the delusional female was going down.
When Gahya flew off to rally Arisen Dawn, Indigo rolled her neck from side to side. She propped her hands on her lower back, arching to stretch it. Damn. Two immortals. In the flesh. Normally she would be starstruck.
Not today.