Page 149 of The Phoenix
He waited, stroking a palm down the back of the witch who held his beating heart. She would sacrifice the world to be with him. “If this is your wish, it is what we’ll do.”
“Damn. Damn. Damn.” Her fists pounded his shoulders.
He gripped Indy’s hands between his. When they stilled, he tugged her against him where she snuggled in, each curve in its proper place. She was his. He was hers. Together or apart. Neither time nor distance would change that. “I am sorry, Indy. I made you love me though I should have known better.”
She curled her fingers around his neck, pulling his head down for a gentle kiss. “Silly male. I hooked you the moment you eyed me at my river. You never stood a chance.”
“True.” He felt the rhythm of her heart, each breath she took. The energy seeped from her bones with her acceptance.
“We must do this.” He brushed a tear from her cheek.
If you do this thing, can you visit me in the Evermore?
I cannot. It’s for Aeternals only. An assassin’s job is to keep it safe though I cannot go there.
“I need a minute to resent the hell out of fate,” said Indy.
This female who chose him would not allow the destruction of humans or Aeternals if she could stop it. Even at the cost of her own happiness. Even at the cost of his.
Ohngel glanced at the sky. The sun was beginning to set behind the hills, blanketing the high meadow in a soft red haze. He snapped his fingers, creating a fire as thirteen coven descendants materialized in Aerilon.
With his arm looped over Indigo’s shoulders, Ohngel asked Rein, “You understand the process?”
The vampire mix nodded, Braelyn beside him. “You’ll upload to me. I’ll pass the boost to the others. When our blood joins, the schism will once again be in effect. If it works this time.”
“Don’t be such a skeptic. It will,” promised Ohngel.
Breaking from his grasp, Indy spun on her heel, turned her back on him, and stomped away. It was for the best. He could not bear to watch her fade from his sight. Still, he would have liked her to be his last vision before he slept.
“Let’s do it.” A solemn Denim approached the fire, signaling the others to follow.
The Blood Coven formed a circle, hand clasped to hand. “You’re up, Roark.” Braelyn spoke, Rein on one side of her, Margo on the other.
“Wait.” Indy sprinted toward him, leaping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. With her fingers clenched on the back of his neck, she pressed her lips to his. Releasing him, she said, “I’ve decided. I’ll give you a day. Maybe two because you could use a rest. But that’s all. No millennium. I’m coming for you, kinda-shifter.”
He grinned, despite knowing it was impossible. “I’ll be waiting.”
Ohngel pried her loose to set her on her feet. “Step away, Indy, so I can see the light which shines in your eyes. I’ll carry it with me.”
For an eternity. I love her brave words, but the truth is the truth.
While he raised his arms to the side, he locked his gaze on his witch. He linked his mind to Dominion, Ely, and Remy. Once he marked the strand which tied them together, he searched for Michael, a bright white beacon. When he latched onto the Bearer of Death, his body went board-straight, hovering off the ground, light streaming from his pores. His spine arched, a taut bow.
Rein stiffened, a shock wave buckling his knees, power slamming into him. He shared it with Braelyn, Margo, and Denim. Fin braced herself as the charge moved through her to Miller, Chiara, Harley, Nico, Skyler, Celene, and Lizette. When it struck Jace, blood poured from the coven’s hands, drawn to the fire on its own, where it mixed, sizzling in the blaze.
Ohngel thought he heard Indy gasp. Then I love you always filtered into his mind like an echo.
Smoke curled upward. Ribbons of ash climbed, twisting toward the clouds, blending with the red haze of sunset. The coven mumbled ancient spells, calling on the portals and Whorl to re-form, compelling Aeternals and wildings to return to their realms.
Then it was as if the walls of Angor flew open, spilling chaos into the world. The thundering sky turned midnight, howling in pain. Lightning streaked across the firmament, jagged and deadly. The ground opened, splitting apart the valley. Birds plummeted to earth. In the distance, wild animals howled, falling into great fissures.
Ohngel sensed the very core of the planet overheating. Wind bent trees and grasses, causing rivers to splash onto their banks. Tornadoes dipped low. The destruction of the world was unexpected, the power funneling into him and on to the Blood Coven too much for it to bear.
Once he realized the cataclysmic effects, he called the energy home, welcoming it inside himself. Light jetted from the coven to him, his vacant gaze locked on Indigo. While bolts struck him, he re-absorbed power, ending the ruination. Sounds and movement stilled. Cracks sealed. All became calm again.
The trembling began in his shoulders but spread quickly to his extremities. He convulsed while his body accepted the returning energy. He swallowed it in giant spasms.
Darkness surrounded Ohngel, a great void devouring him in the aftermath. Indigo blurred despite his fight to see her. When she reached toward him, he repulsed her touch, severing their link because he would not take her with him. He would never destroy her.