Page 153 of The Phoenix
“He will awaken.” Dominion crossed his arms over his chest.
“Sure. When I’m ash.”
The male looked totally unconcerned whether she and his fellow assassin would ever be reunited. It was obvious. He didn’t care. Though Roark’s friend, he was pissing her off.
“I’ve come to take my brother home.” His solid legs carried him toward Roark.
Indigo jacked up her skirt. She leaped onto the bed, a foot on each side of Roark’s hips. “Stop right there.” She raised a warning finger.
Dominion frowned but kept coming.
Indigo held both palms out, shooting streams of fire from each. “If you don’t stop, I’m gonna light up your balls.”
The nerve. He grinned. “I don’t think so.” He walked through the fire as if it were a cooling mist. When she switched to zinging knives, he brushed them aside with ease. Reaching the bed, he grabbed her around the waist, setting her on the floor, impervious to her kicking feet and swatting hands. Ignoring her, he slipped an arm beneath Roark’s back and another under his legs.
“Put him down.” She shouted the command.
He scooped up Roark. “You cannot tend him for a millennium. It is unreasonable for you to keep him. Besides, I promised Ohngel I would care for you. He wanted you to live a full, happy life. That cannot happen if he lies about as a reminder.”
She sputtered. “I didn’t give him permission to dictate how I live my life. You certainly don’t get a say-so.” She latched onto Dominion’s shoulder, but he was unstoppable.
He nodded, his lips in a grim line. “True. Clearly a mistake for him to appoint me your guardian. Now step aside.”
Indigo threw her body in his path. “No.”
“I don’t want to hurt you. Ohngel would not be pleased.”
“I demand to talk with the OneCreator.”
“You are as my brother said. Stubborn. Quirky. Rebellious.”
“Those are my good points.” She smirked. “Now take me to your leader.” She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, going for intimidation. Likely, she failed.
With a wave of Dominion’s hand, he swept Indigo from his path, tossing her to the floor like a piece of dust. Then he paused as if listening to an unheard voice. His gaze flipped to her. “It seems I’ve been ordered to take you to Vast.”
On her ass, she watched Dominion with Roark cradled in his arms. Next thing, she was still on her backside but definitely not in her own bedroom. Indigo’s glare crawled upward until she saw a raised throne. On it sat a guy with patrician features, his eyes reflecting the vastness of the universe. His hair hung past his shoulders like a waterfall of gold. Faded jeans hugged his legs, one of which was sprawled over the arm of his kingly chair. His purple silk shirt hung open, exposing a bronzed, muscled chest. The gorgeous guy’s feet were bare. “Indigo, welcome.”
“Without a doubt. You wanted to see me?”
She should be tongue-tied, frozen with awe, but she wasn’t. Her concern was for Roark. “I’ve read The Path.” She levered herself onto her feet.
“Hmm. I haven’t.”
“You allowed two dim-witted, uncaring immortals to create Aeternals and humans, to pit us against each another.” She waited.
He steepled his fingers. “Is there a question I should answer?”
“Yes. Roark, the only being to care about us, now lies in a coma which will last a millennium.”
“I do not know this Roark.”
“Don’t be dense.”
He arched his regal brows. “I should be insulted. Yet somehow, I am not. Waiting for a question.”