Page 164 of The Phoenix
“How bad are these immortals you go after?”
“Imagine the vilest of your kind.” She closed her eyes. “Now raise their nastiness to the hundredth power. If loose, the bastards cause unimaginable pain, plagues, wars, famine. You name it.”
“Do you like your job?”
He nodded, no hesitation. “Yeah. Love it.”
“Sounds as though you’re important to the OneCreator. No wonder he wants you back. When you return…”
Roark started to speak, but Indigo raised a hand. “You must.” She didn’t share her fear. Once he was gone, she’d slowly fade away, the grief too much. Instead, she put on her brave face to lie. “For five hundred years I lived without you. I’ll do it again. We cannot doom my species and humans for our own selfish needs.”
“I’ll love you for an eternity, Indy. There’ll never be another female for me.”
“Can you pay conjugal visits to Scath? Even prisoners get those.”
“The OneCreator won’t allow it. I know him.”
Indigo stroked a hand over the arches of the fiery wings which lay beneath her. Roark moaned. After making love, he had wrapped her in them like a cocoon. They were barely warm to her touch, scorching neither her nor the bed on which they rested. How could she live without him, without him inside her, bringing her ecstasy?
He caressed her cheek. “You’ll go on, my Indy, because many people need you. Alarik needs you. Rein. I’ll picture you skinny dipping in the River Am. I even look forward to seeing the blubbery lump you call Oskar sitting beside you while you rub a palm over his golden flank. When the sun kisses your skin, it will be my lips. When the breeze caresses your bare arm, it will be my touch. When thunder sounds, it will be me shouting my love as I spill my seed inside you. When you see a raven overhead, it will be me keeping you safe. I will always be with you, but I ask a favor.”
“That you live and love with all your heart. Grant me these things.”
“I don’t…”
He pressed a finger to her mouth. “I ask nothing else.”
Her eyes filled. She blinked and nodded. “If I’d known you were such as Boy Scout, I never would have hooked up. Okay. But I’ll never take another male. I’m yours forever.”
“I want inside you again, Indy. To feel your flesh surround mine. Slow. Easy. Sweet. A memory to last an eternity.”
Roark’s huge body draped over her. He spread her thighs, his weight a warm, heavy blanket of pleasure. When his lips found hers, he licked the seam. Gaining entry, he explored every crevice, stroking and tangling with her tongue.
She accepted his erotic flirtation, the mimicry of love-making, the ownership which went with his claiming. All of this in a kiss. An eternal kiss.
When tears rolled down her cheeks, he deserted her mouth to wipe the moisture away with a gentle swipe.
“No tears for us, Indy. We live a lifetime in this moment. Together now. This is our eternity.”
Roark’s hand brushed across her nipple, his eyes on hers, his lids heavy while he suckled at her breast. He teased and nipped on the one before moving to the other, taking his time.
With a soft groan, she arched her back. She cradled the male she adored between her thighs.
He pushed onto flexed arms, his hips rocking into her body, the head of his cock teasing at her entrance. Then he inched forward, a leisurely glide until he was fully seated. As he stilled, she savored the sensation of his filling her.
In the throes of sensual awakenings, she stroked Roark’s shoulders and taut biceps, his skin velvet over solid rock. The pads of her fingers dug into the flesh on his back as she clung to her gentle lover.
Roark pulled out. Pushed in. All the while, his abs tight, his arms straining, his neck muscles corded, his face full of pleasured pain. He neared his release, his cock throbbing inside her.
“I wanted slow, Indy, but I can’t hold off. You do this to me.”
She stifled her sobs, determined not to ruin the moment which would last him an eternity and her a lifetime.
He rolled his hips. Up. Down. Feeling impossibly larger, harder. She watched where they joined, her sex swallowing him. Releasing him. Their union was beautiful. Perfect.
Indigo threw back her head, a moan crawling from her chest, needing to escape.