Page 171 of The Phoenix
A snicker from the Amazon?
Jace stuck a book under her ass.
“Gimme.” Indigo extended an arm and wiggled her fingers, no qualms at all about using her craft.
Jace squealed when the volume of The Path wobbled beneath her ass and beelined into Indigo’s grasp. The witch opened it to the first marked passage. Her eyes widened. “Don’t you have enough jollies in your lives?”
Celene reached into a bowl to pop a potato chip into her mouth. “Nope. Now pass it back.”
“So you can read about my Roark? No way.”
“Then I’ll rely on memory.” She lowered her voice, imitating a male’s deep rasp. “‘Don’t stop. My balls are about to explode.’” Celene wiped crumbs from her smiling lips. “Do you do that to Roark’s boys, Indigo? Make them go up in flames?”
“Oh. Oh. I’ve got a quote,” said Margo, swishing an arm through the air like a schoolgirl. She flipped a thick strand of red hair over her shoulder. “‘His hand gripped his own turgid flesh, riding it up and down, making it harder, bigger.’”
Indigo tossed the volume to the floor as she pinned everyone with a squint-eyed glare.
Ignoring the witch’s obvious pique, Fin asked, “Who wouldn’t like a handful of that? It must be huge.”
Chiara rubbed a palm over her very swollen belly, ready to pop out a kid at any minute. “I read a few passages to Dax. When I got to ‘suck harder, female,’ he tossed the book onto the floor and told me to get busy. I did.”
With her arms crossed over her chest, Indigo tapped a foot. “Are you done?”
“No,” said Harley. “We’ve got too much good material. Since I’ve read so much porn about your Roark, I picture him shirtless and pantless with his tight ass bouncing as he does you. My bad.” She leaned back into the couch and fanned her cheeks, her glasses inching down her nose.
All eyes pinged to Harley, each female looking a little shocked.
She sat up straighter. “What? I do. You can’t tell me you don’t. After all, The Path described Roark, aka Ohngel, in great detail. Every square inch of his delectable ‘turgid’ flesh. He’s a walking, talking wet dream.”
Lizette shrugged. “I might not have used your graphic language, but you’re right.”
Indigo decided a direct attack was best. “That’s it, kittens and company. Harley, your carnal demon has seriously fucked up your mind. Chiara, I’m so happy my Roark inspired you to swallow your fanger’s penis. Margo, just so you know, his ‘turgid’ flesh is all mine now. And, Fin, it’s so huge I can hardly get my hand around it.” Indigo pointed at Celene. “Not only do I make his balls explode, but I also make them play Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture before they go boom.”
Braelyn popped off the sofa, her glass of wine held high. “You da one, aunt-in-law. Ladies, a toast to the female who brought the greatest porn star in existence to his knees.”
They all rose, shouting their agreement, goblets clinking to goblets.
Indigo couldn’t resist. After all, praise was praise. She lifted her skirt a bit and curtsied. “Aw, shucks. Twern’t nothing. But I should correct you shallow thinkers. Roark’s more than sex and a great bod. He has a mind and a heart.”
The book club stared at Indigo.
She waved a dismissive hand. “You’re right. Who gives a shit about brains and compassion when a guy’s sporting muscled arms, a thick chest, broad shoulders, and a rock-hard penis. Now, fill my glass, pass the chips, and stop imagining my naked mate doin’ the nasty. It’s time to move on to a new book about other hot guys.”
Lizette raised her hand. “I heard about The Life of the Incubus Chaos. Could be promising.”
“Wait a sec.” Indigo rifled through her purse, pulling out a heavy tome. “I snuck this out of Roark’s library in Angor. It’s a tell-all about The Feard.” She wagged her finger at everyone in the room. “We will not, however, be reading the chapters on Ohngel.”
“Is sweaty hot sex involved?” asked Skyler. “I want enough steam to curl my hair.”
Everyone glanced at the icy blonde, their eyes wide. So out of character for her.
“Well. I like sex as much as the next girl.” Skyler brushed a hand across her neat, coiffed do. “I am mated to a demon.”
Harley jumped up to high five her. “Demons rule.”
“Skyler, you’ll love this book. The feathered warriors are hot wings with spicy Jamaican sauce,” said Indigo.