Page 21 of Forbidden Flesh
“Then you don’t need me. You have plenty of girls around to fuck with.”
“What if I want to fuck you?” He leans closer to the table and lowers his voice. “Will you let me?”
“No,” I say. “I have no interest in letting you fuck me, Valen.”
He flinches like I slapped him. He’s used to women opening their legs like a free ticket to a ride because of who he is and how hot he looks.
“How come?”
“I’m not your type.”
I’m no one’s type, but I don’t need to explain myself to him.
“How do you know what my type is?”
“Blond, beautiful, with curves in all the right places.” He pinches his brows, and I continue, “I’m none of those things, and I’m not Jess.”
His nostrils flare.
I hit a nerve. The one he thought I didn’t know existed. Ears were made to listen, and I’ve heard that he fucked her. How he felt about her. She is all the things I mentioned he likes and more. She married his best friend. She made her choice. He probably carries a torch for her.
I’m the opposite of what she looks like. I’m fucked up, and the faster I get away from Valen, the better my chances are of saving myself.
I get up and drop the napkin on my table. Not caring, I almost spill the untouched glass of wine. I was never going to drink it anyway. I don’t drink around men. I learned my lesson and paid handsomely for my mistakes.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m leaving.” I lean in, my voice low but firm. “And a word of advice—whatever game you think you’re playing, count me out. I’m sure plenty of girls will take you up on the offer.”
I expected him to be surprised and shocked, but he isn’t. He stares at me with a promise.
A silent vow that this isn’t over.
I watch the way her hips sway when she walks away. The way the globes of her ass lift with each step she takes in her short skirt. I came on too strong. I shouldn’t have been so direct, but I couldn’t help myself.
I want to fuck her. She doesn’t know her brother sent her to a school full of predators. He thinks convincing me to grant her a scholarship is based on his being part of the outer ranks of the consortium. He thinks it grants her immunity. He doesn’t realize you have to be born into one of the founding families or promise to be a member of the Order. He thinks she is safe here.
Melody Price is Prey, and everyone in Kenyan can see it. They smell it.
My cock screams for me to do whatever it takes for her to let me split her pussy and take what I want.
My balls ache, needing release. I stare at the glass of wine. The one she didn’t drink.
Bringing her here was a test. She didn’t touch the expensive wine. Another girl wouldn’t have thought twice about a place like this or left before eating the two-hundred-dollar lobster I ordered. I was trying to showboat, and I failed miserably.
Melody Price cannot be bought with fancy dinners or expensive cars. She also can’t be bought with promises of love and devotion.
Someone broke her, and it wasn’t because her ex-boyfriend kicked her out of college the second she set foot on campus. I recognize that look on her face. The one she’s hiding under the mask, but from what, or more importantly, from who?
I was surprised when she mentioned Jess. I would have never guessed she knew of my past or how I erroneously thought I was in love. Caring for and loving someone are two different things. I don’t have the capacity to love when all I think about is my next pussy fix.
It’s like snorting a line of coke and chasing a white horse that seems like a mythical creature of satisfaction. There for a moment, and then gone the next.
I don’t know why I have this thing for Melody. When I first saw her at a party my sophomore year, trying to beat up her cheating boyfriend, I was amused. I wanted to kick his ass, but I wanted her more. I was filled with guilt because she was sixteen. I shouldn’t want a girl that young.
When our eyes met for the first time, I didn’t miss the way her eyes begged for the same thing that was going through my mind. She didn’t love that asshole. I knew it. She knew it.
The second time I saw her was at a party a few months ago. She didn’t see me, and at the time, I was on edge. I didn’t like where my mind went, knowing she was so close. She was barely eighteen, and I didn’t trust myself.